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Educated, but still worried


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Not completely sure yet if I need advice, or I just need to vent.. Bare with me XD


There's a chance I could be pregnant..

I lost my virginity to my current boyfriend (well, other than a certain incident when I was twelve) and we don't use anything.

I know, I know.. STUPID idea.

We tried using a condom, but that just didnt feel right.. I'm going on the pill once school starts up after the holiday break (if I'm not pregnant, that is), because I think the clinic is closed during the holidays.. But I'm getting a pregnancy test while I'm there, too.


I went another time for the morning after pill and the girl got a little mad at me, and told me to come back when I was on my period so I could go on birth control, but I was super busy with a bunch of stuff going on that I couldn't get there during my period, so I just didn't go.

(She also wanted me to go back because of my eating disorder)


My boyfriend, even though he despises[sp?] condoms, told me he would use them if I really wanted him to. And he keeps reminding me to go on the pill once school starts up, and to make sure I get a pregnancy test. And we both agreed that if I am pregnant (heaven forbid>_

And I believe him on that one. Family means so much to him, and his father left him when he was a young child, he hasn't seen him since he was 5 and he never wants to do that to a child.


So I decided I do need advice, and this isn't just a vent.. I was wondering, if anyone knew the cost (if any) for abortion at the QEII Clinic in Halifax, Nova Scotia?


Any input, advice, or answers would be gretly appreciated.

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I'm usually not regular.. So I'm not sure if I have yet, but either way, I'm going to take the test this Wednesday, and if it's negative and my period still doesn't come, I'm going to take another..


I've been praying too, haha.. I never pray. I'm not even sure if I believe in god, but it's my last resort

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If your boyfriend doesn't want to be a 16 year old father, he better learn to love condoms.


Not to mention that the pill does not protect you from STIs.


The last time someone I know had an abortion it was 13 years ago and the cost was 300$. I imagine it is more now.

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Oh man.. Hopefully it's cheaper in Halifax.. I heard somewhere that abortions were free in Canada? I dunno..


PS: My boyfriend is 18


16 or 18- an abortion is not a form of birth control. To avoid situations like this in the future, I would hope that you would both use condoms and if you find yourselves unable to- refrain from sex altogether.


This day and age it is far too dangerous to be risking STI's and unwanting pregnancies, especially at the ages of 16 & 18. And if you think a 300$ tab for an abortion is expensive- try raising a child on minimum wage at age 16.

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Planned parenthood says abortions in the US cost between 350-700 USD in the first trimester, more than that if you get it done in a hospital.


Hope is right, compare that with the cost of condoms (at my university, I get 10 for 3 dollars, or the pill, at my university 6 $/month).

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Oh man.. Hopefully it's cheaper in Halifax.. I heard somewhere that abortions were free in Canada? I dunno..


PS: My boyfriend is 18


Some places in Canada they are, specifically in Nova Scotia, hospital services are free, if you are going to a clinic only the Dr's fee is covered, you still have to pay clinic costs (between $300 and $700). So, I guess it depends if the QEII is a clinic or not.


You best bet it to take a pregnancy test. And then call the clinic yourself and ask about costs and proceedures etc.


By the way, you are lucky, NS is one of the provinces where you don't need parental consent for this proceedure.


16 or 18- an abortion is not a form of birth control. To avoid situations like this in the future, I would hope that you would both use condoms and if you find yourselves unable to- refrain from sex altogether.
Whole heartedly agree with this statement.
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Sorry to get you guys all worried about an unresponsible 16 year old (myself) bringing a child into this world..

I got my period yesterday



But don't worry, no sex till I get the pill !!

*GIANT sigh of releif* Thanks for your input, though

Mucho appreciated

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Use condoms each and every time you have sex, unless you have both been tested for sexually transmitted deseases. You do not want a bad case of something that has no cure. Pregnancy is not your worst nightmare....


SG is right- many STI's have no signs and symptoms but can cause infertility and even death. It's important that you both get tested for STIs before even considering having unprotected sex.

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