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Your New Years Resolution

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ah man...sooooo much stuff! Too much to mention.

1. quit smoking

2. stop drinking (so much, not all)

3. visit my parents more often-dad's sick

4. stop taking my husband for granted

5. be a better wife

6. be more supportive to my friends

7. get back to the gym


God, I could go on and on....

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Mine are usualy to work hard in life and force myself to do stuff that will later benefit me, but this year I plan to gain self esteem, have fun! and make new friends. Love can find me because I've spent most of my life chasing guys that end up hurting me.

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A little late, but...


Get off my butt and out of my freaking house.

Clean up my living space.

Find more people who I click with.

Find fulfilling ways of helping people.

Deepen my sense of love and connection with the friends I already have.

Deepen the sense of spirituality within myself.

Be a supportive and appreciative friend of myself.


Try to complete the Boston Marathon!

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I didn't think I had resolutions, but I do.


1. When I am shopping, if I really love a pretty top, I will NOT rationalize and put it back, because I always wind up needing one, and not having anything nice to wear out. Yes, that is seriously a resolution! lol


2. Pursue an education in social services (starting english and psych. classes next week).


3. Get my driver's license and possibly a car. (HOPEFULLY a car) to allow myself more freedom, and less dependency on others to help me, because I don't like asking for help and wind up frustrated

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I want to reinvestment my money in a higher return investment.


Improve my health (I've been sick 2 months with lung infection).


Better health will make the next several resolutions possible:


Work full time again, but not overtime because that's part of how I got sick in the first place due to wearing myself down.


Spend less on medical costs


Restart my local social life


I had my shyness conquered. Now I need to get back to trying to date, then date. Haven't done that in a long time. However, I will NEVER go to a speed dating thing again. Speed dating makes lonliness and celibacy look attractive. That's how little I think of speed dating.


My dating goal is to competently try to date and make the effort and not chicken out. I like to limit my goals to things I have control over. I am in control and responsible for trying. I make no resolutions or have any expectations about how women will respond, but I do think some of them will respond favorably, if I try well.


Do more house cleaning - Hey, I might want to bring a date home. It could happen.


Trade in my Jeep Cherokee for a Hard Top convertable Jeep Wrangler Rubicon Unlimited (lengthened version same size as Cherokee) that's a couple years old.


Oh ya: Spend more time with my male friends and keep in better touch with them. I'm very good about this with my women friends, but I've been rather neglectful of my male friends.

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Never mind the Jeep. I'm going to get my left knee fixed. I've been off my arthritis meds for almost 2 months now due to having a lung infection. My arthritis med is an immune suppressant. I can't take it until several days to a week after I'm no longer sick. My knee is now swelled up like a cantelope. It's twice the size of the other and hurts beyond description.


A couple years ago my rheumatologist suggested I get my knee cleaned out. According to X-Rays and cat scan, my knee is still in good enough shape not to need a joint replacement, but I do need it cleaned out to remove all dead cells, dead or torn loose cartlidge, etc. I was told that if I had that done to remove debris from prior injury, then the arthritis would have little or nothing to trigger it in my knee. That's RA. I didn't want to do it because the idea of having my knee vacuumed out did not appeal to me and the knee was working good enough.


However, it now hurts so bad that a good vacuuming is looking really attractive. I don't know how much that will cost, but I assume it's going to eliminate much or all my discretionary money. i.e. - no Jeep.

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