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feeling a little better today


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after finally getting some breathing space from my whole situation i am glad we arent meeting tha would tear me up to see her....have our chemistry come back only for her to say goodbye on a friday night new years weekend.......deja vu cause she broke up with me at 1130 on new years last year on a cruise!!!!


anyway i do miss her and i do believe things happen for a reason and the last 2 years i ahev spent focusing on her and us....now i need to focus on me....its not easy because i would have felt better if we were ok and doing this climbing together...but such is life


thanks guys for all your help although i may have not followed every bit of advice.......i appreciate my friends here....

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good job. make sure you dont have contact with her. I read the letters and stuff she sent you, trying to make you feel sorry for her and such..


keep being strong. I know its hard.. hell i havent even had the motivation to clean my room out yet after a month haha, but it gets better, im sure of it....


Like you, like all of us, I cant wait until i see the sun shine again.

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good job. make sure you dont have contact with her. I read the letters and stuff she sent you, trying to make you feel sorry for her and such..


keep being strong. I know its hard.. hell i havent even had the motivation to clean my room out yet after a month haha, but it gets better, im sure of it....


Like you, like all of us, I cant wait until i see the sun shine again.


trust me i spent many days crying and such......move forward maybe not on but make your life better for you if you dont do crap but mope and she pops back in your life you will be a mess who now looks weak which is not attractive.....

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yes definitely... I went to the dr and got a prescription for wellbutrin (i have had anxiety problems in the past) to help me through this. Its been awhile since ive been on any antidepressants and im hoping this will help me get thru it and find myself again.


best wishes to you kickedin.

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