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How long was it before you said 'I love you'?


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With my boyfriend, I said it first about two and a half months in. I had known for a while that I did, and I couldn't keep it in any longer. I thought about waiting, but I couldn't!


We were cuddling in bed, and I kept thinking "Ok, here's a good moment to tell him", get really nervous, and then I'd chicken out. He definitely noticed though because he kept saying "Your heart is beating really fast," and I'd say "oh, yeah, haha." Finally, he said that again, and I said "It's because I'm nervous," and he was like "Why?" I leaned up and whispered "I love you" into his ear. He smiled and hugged me. After a couple of seconds, he said "I think I love you too." Which was good enough for me. I was hoping for, but not expecting, any sort of reply immediately.


Later in the car, he looked over and said "So you love me, huh?" and I got a little chill and started giggling, and said yes. He said "Cool. I've never been in love before... well, at least I've never had anyone in love with me anyway."


That night he asked if I was nervous because I was worried he wasn't going to say it back, and I said "Well, not so much that, I just didn't know how you felt at all. I was hoping you wouldn't go 'Ahhhh, you're a freak, go away!'" and he laughed. I asked him if he felt pressured to say it back when I said it, and he said a little, and that that was why he said "I think", and then said "I don't really know what it feels like to be in love." I said that if it helped any, past experience didn't help at all because he's him and not anyone else. To which he smiled and replied "I love you."


That was 9 months ago, and I still get a little chill every time he tells me he loves me.

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I said it after two weeks...he wasn't ready, then he showed up at my door with two red roses and said it to me....which was a month to the day we met. We are going on four months now and we are mad for each other. I guess time will tell if we will be together in the long run, but for now...we are so happy. I think it is just a matter of living each day to the fullest and not worrying about tomorrow or yesterday.

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I've never said it first!


The closest I've ever come to saying it first was with my current boyfriend. We had started a relationship years ago but when I told my parents I loved him they forced us apart...*tear*...so when I re-initiated our relationship late last year I ended an email with Love, name and so he gives me credit with saying it first this time around. Years back he said it first to me and I happily reciprocated.

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I remember it was 4 months into our relationship. We would do this thing where we would write "I adore you" on eachother's hands but we had never said it to eachother. Then one day I was getting ready to leave his house and I said it. He looked at me and gave me the softest smile and said he "I love you too". It was beautiful.


Wicked Miss

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I think it took about 3 months. I remember telling him that he felt like home to me and it was so cute, because he told me that when I said that, he knew instantly that he this was love but he was afraid to say it. He wanted to find the perfect time and perfect place, so he took me out to a nice dinner and he told me that as the night went by, he couldn't find the perfect moment to tell me and he was getting anxious! But as we were falling asleep, he said, "I have to tell you something. I love you."


6 years later, and he still feels like home.

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