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How long was it before you said 'I love you'?


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When you get that warm and fuzzy feeling when you're with them and can't wait to be with them again when their away. You also tend to brag about them a lot when you're in love.


With me it's usually 10+ dates depending on the person since most don't make it past 3-5 dates because I don't like to lead a girl on and I'm NOT looking to be a perpetual dater.

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I think it took us about two months to say it. It was a few days before he had to leave to go to his base (he's in the army) ... 5 months later we're married!!


As for saying I love you, I don't really have a time frame... I say it when I know i love the person.. when it's not just a feeling or emotion, but I truly love and care for that person..

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I have said to two people in my life, a long term ex (four years off and on, he said it after a year) and my current man (he said if after a month but we already were friends for 2 years before getting together). I said it to my current man this summer I think. I wasn't ready but it didn't matter to him, he just wanted me to know.



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First bf: He said it after 2 weeks. I didn't really know what to do so I said it back...but looking back I definitely wasn't in love after 2 weeks.


Curren bf: He said it at around 3 months and I had completely fallen in love with him probably about a month before.

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The love of my life took about a week for us because we are crazy


We've been together for over a year and I still loves him just as much! To be honest, I love him more!


in the past I'd say about a month or two? I can't even remember because it wasn't very significant.

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I think it was 3 weeks before he said it, and I reciprocated. I think I also said something like he seemed to be the one for me. We had both been around the block and realised when we found each other that we'd found something pretty special.


I'm not sure how much we really really meant it at the time, because logically I doubt the possibility of truly loving someone after 3 weeks, but the point was 'from what I've seen, i'm blown away, this is wonderful'.

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It took me a little over a month. I know it seems short, but I've never felt this way about anyone (even with my first "love"). This time, I feel it's real and thereforeeee worth to say.


The last guy I was with, it' took six months to say it, but I'm unsure if I ever really felt it.

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I like the answer someone gave about the fuzzy feeling inside. That sounds about right. Well I've had that fuzzy feeling for about three months now but I don't want to be the one to say it first. We've been dating for 8 months. He's never said it to anyone, neither have I.

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I could say it to him now and mean it... we have only been back together for a few weeks.

However, we did date years ago and we have known eachother for years...


My ex and I said it after a few days, and totally meant it, he is a very cautious guy so it was a really big deal for him.


The last guy I dated, I said it to after a few weeks or so, but I was on drugs at the time and didnt mean it like ~that~... it wasnt a particularily healthy reletionship.

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It was somewhere between 3-4 months when we said it. He told me he loves me for the first time when we went out one night and he was very drunk!


But the next morning when we woke up... He said it again and a couple of days later I said it too!

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Just wondering what people's experiences were...


Whenever the feeling comes to me. I have said it first plenty of times and found that the man was hesitant, although I never asked why. but life is too short to hold back feelings of love...especially in this day and age.

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We had been hanging out a lot for about 2 months before we started dating, and about 4 months into that I told him I loved him and he says "ohhh you beat me to it... I thought I'd say it first!"

Before I said it, it had been practically bursting out of my mouth for the longest time but I was so nervous, til I thought "enough of this..." and blurted it out.

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