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20 weeks pregnant and a few problems


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Hey i am almost 21 weeks pregnant and am worried that i have not gained any weight. I mean i can see a bump (it is very obvious i am pregnant now lol) and the baby is kicking me like a little jet li, but i have not gained any weight i am still 52 kg, like i was before i became pregnant and i was 52 kg at 12 weeks.

Is this something to worry about or is everything ok as my belly is growing?


Also i still have no sex drive what so ever. I know some people loose theirs during the start of the second trimester but mine seems to still be on holiday and it is starting to affect my relationship with my boyfriend. He is getting really frustrated but is still trying to be understanding.

Is this normal and i don't suppose anyone knows when it will come back or ways to create an atmosphere that will get me 'in the mood'?

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Your lack of sex drive is normal. It's not at all uncommon for women to lose interest in sex at any time during pregnancy.


What does your doctor say about your weight? I am also curious to know how tall you are (or your bmi). If you were underweight to begin with, then your lack of weight gain might be of concern. Also, do you eat enough? That's the important part - much more important than the number of kgs you gain. Make sure you are following a food guide, which outlines the number of portions you should be eating from each of the food groups. When you are pregnant, you are supposed to increase your food intake a little bit. Have you?


If you are eating healthy and you are not underweight, then I don't think there is a problem, although your doctor knows best.

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The total weight gain according to John Hopkins University School of Medicine (manual used by physicians) is based on the prepregnancy body mass index.


If you were in a normal range for prepregnancy weight, the total weight recommended is 25-35lb. Underweight women may gain up to 40lb.


If you have not gained 10lb by midpregnancy, your nutritional intake should be evaluated.


So, you should see your M.D. or D.O. about changing/increasing your diet.


Hugs, Rose

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my pre pregnancy bmi was 19 which i think is ok, it's below 18 and your under weight isn't it. I am 163 cm so i am not that tall.


my midwife says my bump is small but the baby is fine and it is just down to me being petite but surely i would have put on some weight? and i have not gained any llbs since conception.


thanks the info everyone

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my pre pregnancy bmi was 19 which i think is ok, it's below 18 and your under weight isn't it. I am 163 cm so i am not that tall.


my midwife says my bump is small but the baby is fine and it is just down to me being petite but surely i would have put on some weight? and i have not gained any llbs since conception.


thanks the info everyone


have you been to a doctor though?

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I new a bolimic woman who refused to eat at all during her first trimester without throwing it all up. They had to put her on IV fluids including nutrient solutions (dextrose) to keep her intake up. She was put on bedrest from 3 months on and she bragged that during her birthin classes, some women gained too much weight while she only gained 15 pounds. I was a bit confused by her, but think that if she had eaten normally and wasn't visiting the throne each time she consumed something, it wouldn't be so alarming. She gave birth to a healthy 6 1/2 pound girl, however. I thought the baby would be supersmall, but not a bad size.

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i am finishing up the bottle of folic acid but no other pregnancy vitamins and no i haven't been to see my doctor as my midwife deals with all pregnancy related queries.


do you think i should start taking pregnancy vitamins, such as pregnacare?


I think it is very risky that you aren't getting prenatal care from your doctor. There can be many reasons why you aren't gaining weight, that could be related to the health of the baby. You don't know if the baby is ok, or if there are some defects. You MUST go get a checkup.

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I had an interesting conversation with my SIL the other day...and I didn't gain ANY weight until I started my prenatal vitamins. She just had her baby a few months ago and has just went off her vitamins...and immediately lost 20 pounds. It seems like this MIGHT be related, but I don't really know.


I'd be interested to hear if others of you have gone through the same.

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A midwife helps you with the pregnancy in a wholistic way- but they do not have the extensive medical training that on OB does.


There is nothing wrong with having a midwife present- but you should also be having regular appointments with an OB to make sure everything is going smoothly and that the baby is healthy- especially since you have not gained any weight and are 5 months along now.

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I think you should visit your family doctor. However, I do also want to point out that midwives are fully trained in dealing with pregnancies, and they know when to send you to a doctor or an ob. They can also order all kinds of tests and write prescriptions.

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