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Make over to make up


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Here's a light question, that borders on being shallow: has anyone revamped their look after a breakup? I'm not talking about radical transformation, but more along the lines of wearing hot jeans, getting a new haircut, that sort of thing. (By the way, this wasn't one of the reasons for my breakup!)


Does slightly changing your look make you feel like you're getting a fresh start?

Does changing how you look on the outside make you feel better inside?


What did you physically do to yourself to prepare for seeing your ex the first time post-breakup if anything?


Soft questions, I know. But it is Christmas....

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I have done that after every break-up.


I change my hair color, add highlights, new make-up, clothes.


I just want a fresh start, and to begin a new chapter.


I also will get a new bedspread, sheet set, to start fresh.


Doing this doesn't necessarily make me feel better, but rather feel new and relieved ater the breakup.


Hugs, Rose

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This is a VERY common occurrence...especially with women.

I have cut many womens hair during a breakup or divorce.


It's not unusual for a woman who's ex liked long hair to go to extremes

and cut it all off....this signifies independence and freedom from that association.


I have certainly done my share of "self make overs" after a break up. I usually get very into working out, take extra care of myself.....but truthfully i think that's what everyone should do after a heartbreak. Nothing better than self love!!!

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yes, that is very normal! everyone wants to give themselves a little lift and 're-beautify' themselves...


just be careful you don't do anything too rash on impulse, in case you don't like it and it makes you feel worse... i've gotten a few haircuts that seemed like a good idea at the time, but were a more drastic change than i anticipated! asked the stylists opinion before you go from waist length hair to near bald...

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I knew my ex loved long hair, and dark hair color.


So I cut it and highlighted with blonde, wow it felt good!


It really made him mad when he saw me, and I just laughed.


He was like, you know I didn't like that, and of course I did it to despise him, plus I liked the new look.

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Every time I break up with a serious boyfriend, I do something drastic... One time I bleached my hair... another time I chopped it off.. Usually my hair suffers the most after a bad breakup And I felt rejuvenated!

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For sure, after I drown myself in self-pity for a few days, I try to look my best after a break up because it actually helps me get my confidence back. As shallow as this may sound, but looking good helps me feel good. I don't mean anything drastic, just light make up, style and brush my hair as i usually dont bother, wear brighter colors, etc.

Smiling and talking more helps me too. Then when he sees me, muahaha !

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  • Style my hair every single day even when I'm exercising
  • Look like a bachelor because of all the new clothes I've bought ($1000+ worth)
  • more confident
  • see my future more clearly
  • do new things (exercise ALOT, guitar, volunteer, organ donation sign-up, blood donation, new business, study alot, better prepared, ad infinitum)

Even through all that, I'm still thinking of her even though I would rather not. However, looking your best and being your best helps yourself, the people around you, and if you bump into your ex one day.


Happy Holidays.

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I actually colored my hair the color my ex always asked me to go. It felt great when I saw him I think it's good to take care of yourself and rarely does it mean that you weren't taking good enough care of yourself during the relationship (although that does happen)

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making dramatic changes to yourself is what happens normally. the harder the breakup, the more extreme the changes are. I lost 50 lbs, had some cosmetic things done, had my teeth fixed, and of course all the usual things -- all new clothes, different hair, tanning. My personality, work ethic, and inhibitions also changed alot.


It's amusing to run into people that I haven't seen for a year, they don't believe me when I tell them who I am...


I'm with someone else now, who is so much better on every level, and is better for me. Yet, I still want my ex back, even though I know I can never go back to that again.



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I'm military so my hairstyle has got from short to short, lol.


I find I am much much stronger emotionally. I use to cry alot, and now nothing seems to make me want to. I guess it's a protective mechanism, being more closed and all.


I don't know if it's a bad thing, but I am less the playful youth I use to be and more professional and serious now.

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