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Just deleted my myspace page.

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Well since my ex contacted me about a week ago on myspace and I replied like an idiot after almost 40 days of NC I had to delete my page. I found that since she replied to me I have been checking her page constantly and hoping I would log on and there would be some sort of message from her to me. Ya right, the only way I am going to get over her, even though I want her back is to let go of any connection to her so no more myspace. I figure I am almost 27 and I don't belong on there with all the 14 and 15 year olds and attention anyway.

It has been 4 months since she ditched me and I really need to give up cuz I am really tearing myself apart. I figure if she wants to talk to me then she is going to have to call me and talk to me like a real person. None of that kiddy stuff. O well.

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You can always just give your email address to the friends you want to hear from, and you can keep mailing lists if you want to send to a bunch at once...


MySpace has kind of a voyeuristic quality to it... when you break up with someone and continue to see a 'public' profile rather than have personal communications with them, it's really kind of creepy, like peeping in someone's window...


so it really is like a negative addiction for some people, not because it hurts the people posting, but because the temptation is there for people who have broken up to continue to watch an ex when they should be moving on with their own recovery and finding someone new...


so bravo for you! go out and meet people who can give you real love and companionship rather than settling for painful second hand glimpses of someone who is your past, not your future.

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i was thinking of doing the same thing--deleting myspace acct. . but it's how i get in touch with some friends too. torn...


I was talking to a bunch of old friends on there too but I know where they are if I need to contact them.


I had deleted her as my friend when she broke up with me and she had a private profile and I still found myself looking like it was going to open up or something. This had to be done.

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you are right. i'm still holding onto it just for show maybe. maybe he'll check out my account and my photos and see my fabulous single life without him.


don't i sound like a 14 / 15 yr old talkin' right now?


I was talking to a bunch of old friends on there too but I know where they are if I need to contact them.


I had deleted her as my friend when she broke up with me and she had a private profile and I still found myself looking like it was going to open up or something. This had to be done.

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I checked my email many times a day for the first four weeks. But then I thought what am I doing? Would a few trite words in an email from her make me feel better? No. We get dumped and then any little possibilty of a contact (email, myspace, whatever) seems so big in our minds- a thing to hope for. And then we forget how EASY it is for a person to just pick up the phone and call you if they want to. Just try to maintain perspective even though it's hard.

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I totally agree, I deleted my myspace page about two weeks after the breakup, I know she checked it. She made a page when we broke up as well, how funny. I dont need it, I'm 23.. not 14. You made the right move.


LOL! i did the same a month after she left me. i knew for a fact she checked my page everyday. you know to start healing, i need to get out more and meet new people. well when she broke it off with me, about 3 weeks later, I ended up posting pics of myself at a UCSD frat party with a bunch of hott asian girls on a blog were it was only for her to view. CAUGHT! from there, i think she got pissed off to like the point of * * *, why isn't he upset, blah blah blah....pretty obvious why she stopped talking to me after that. oh well. anyways, im glad i deleted my account..i don't need my ex, nor her friends to check up on how miserable or how great my life is. i want to live my life privately and not on the internet. besides im 20 and myspace is seriously on of those things that kill your time...also it's nothing but drama.

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yes, it's exactly like looking in someones window. I don't have a myspace because I don't want my ex to know what I'm doing, talking to and don't want her to get her "fix" of me then continue on with her life. I want to remain a mystery to her. Maybe I'll get one someday when I'm over her....dunno.


It is pretty hard to not check hers though cause she writes everything on there including blogs about her new boyfriend! She had it set to private for the longest time, and about a month ago she set it to public. I have been in NC with her for 11 weeks. I have gone 10 days without checking it because the last time I did it about tore me up and I think it's best to not know what's on there and to think there aren't any new blogs about her bf and to think that they are now bored with each other. Lol

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I can't believe that I found a post about my space! I thought that I was the ONLY one that had issues with that with my separation from my husband.


When we were together, I had my page first (and re-connected with many old friends) and then he made one a month or so later. When he dumped me, I just completely deleted my page out of sadness and anger.


Then after we separated, he still had all of our pics together up and good stuff written about us. BUT I saw he had added the skank he cheated on me with to his "top friends" and I completely broke down. It hurt so badly.


When I mentioned something about it to him, he took down all of our pics (but still used a pic of him from our 5 yr anniversary trip for his profile) and deleted all evidence of our life together. Ouch. Then he deleted all of our mutual friends that were still close with me and set to private. I was still looking at his page and the skank's page for awhile but then I got tired of hurting myself so much. It was just pure torture.


I am now actually afraid to go on there because of what I might find because I don't think I can handle any more pain. So in addition to everything else that selfish jerk took from me, he has also taken away my guilty pleasure of my space!


Although I tend to agree with others that posted....my space is immature and voyeuristic. I should have better things to do with my time anyways! I am going to choose to keep my life private now and I can keep in touch with people that I still want to without having a page.


Thanks for bringing up this topic! There's no one else in my life that would understand this....

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I think there are many many of us who have stories about myspace. I had a myspace account shortly after my ex broke up with me. Earlier this year, when things completely broke down between my ex and I, I was weak and checked to see if she had a myspace profile. I was shocked when I saw she did. Luckily, I have been strong and haven't checked since (8 months now) and I have no idea if she checks mine. I use Myspace for occasional dates and keeping in contact with old friends.




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Stay away from X's MySpace!

My X invited me to her MySpace page several months after the breakup. I believe that it was a deliberate attempt to hurt me, and it did. The site is full of stories about how great her new bf is and how much she loves him. I find it hard to believe that people actually post such personal stories online. Very painfull...I've since not checked her page.


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