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Girl offered ME sex???


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I'm kind of confused as I write this, so bare with me


I recently met this girl through myspace, which is weird because I usually don't accept friend requests from people i dont know. She looked cute and sent me a message.


So we got to talking and we were flirting back and forth and one thing led to another and she came out and asked if I wanted to hook up (obviously she didn't ask like that ). I'm not sure if I should do this or not... I'm caught in a conundrum... The fact that she openly asked for it, through myspace, raises a red flag in my head. I asked her if she has ever done this before (just meeting random guys online) and she said no.


I guess I'm more shy/nervous more than anything, being this is the first time i'll have just randomly hooked up with someone before.



She's Cute

Possible Relationship

She's Single

Could Be Fun



Moral Dilema

I've been single for about 3 weeks now

I don't really KNOW her

Possible STD/Pregnancy??



I suppose i'm looking for input from both sides


Thank You!


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If you are not comfortable with it, then you are not ready for it and should not proceed. Some of the cons are very powerful. You mentioned 'morality'. You do not know this person and she's opening herself up to you. She's lying because a girl wont portray herself as a slvt to a prospect because it would put you off or possibly turn you off. Of course she'll say what you want to hear so you'll feel more comfortable with it. She's done this before with many guys and you will be just another number and you dont know what she has on her (STI's). This is known as anonymous sex and it is very immoral - are you really comfortable having sex with someone you dont know that's this loose?

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Although your con list is pretty good, it is missing one possible vital thought that should have run through your mind. This girl who is offering sex could be a CON.


Can you really believe that someone is all they represent to be on the internet? For all you know, 'she' could be a he, or she could be just seeing how 'far' she can take this without actually going through with it.


Be careful. There are some mean people in the world. Do not be so trusting.

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Go, make sure you tell a friend. Tell him where you are going and stuff and just laugh at it with him. If you got a good buddy, he'll even chill nearby just to be sure.


I would not have sex though with her the first time. Go easy and check things out. Is she pretty enough, does she live in a shady area? Things like that.

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You say you have been single for 3 weeks. How do you know is not your ex that posted a picture of some girl and stuff and started talking to you. To see what kinda person you really where. Cause, if you agreed to it. She could be like I can't believe he would really do this. I honestly say, dont' do it. It doesn't seem like a good idea. Specially, since red flags are doing off in your head. Like, someone said up there what if its a man? Then you get raped? It happens specially if your just a kid. Or you could end up telling her you want to meet up and then you go to that meeting place then find a bunch of people you know laughing at you because, its a joke and you seem desperate that you would hook up with someone online like that.

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I agree with all of the above. If you think she is someone you may like to have a friendship and/or relationship with, Then tell her you want to meet her someplace to eat and get to know her.

This way...you are in a public place with people around, you can find out if she is who she says she is, and you are safe. If everything seems to go ok with that, then re-evaluate the situation. If it is a joke, or a guy, or your ex...then doing things this way will make you come out looking like the good guy. You are simply getting a bite to eat with someone you met on myspace and making a new friend.


DO not...I repeat...do not commit yourself to have sex or have sex with her yet...even if she is just looking for a "hookup" you don't know who else she has "hooked up" with.

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I understand everything that everyone is saying


But the whole "What if she is a guy..."

"What if you get raped"


And I really don't think it's anyone I know... Since they have had there myspace for about 4 months and have different friends on there page etc etc. If it is... it's the most elaborate prank ever


Kind of makes me laugh

I'm not a kid... I'm 19

6'3'' and 205

I think I can handle my own if it is a guy


I think i'll tell her lets just go out on a date and see how things go

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Kind of makes me laugh

I'm not a kid... I'm 19

6'3'' and 205

I think I can handle my own if it is a guy


Doesn't matter how big you are son. My 26 year old ex-marine brother (6' and close to 200 lbs) was stabbed to death by one person. So don't be so naive and trusting.


I think i'll tell her lets just go out on a date and see how things go


Now you're thinking with the correct mindset.

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Keep in mind that people do LIE on these things. Heck the pic you see might not even be her. Could be a lot of things. I would wait a while before trying anything. Perhaps have a webcam chat, along with phone chats to see if it IS her. Get to know her for a while


In terms of being "conned" i guess that is something you can always fall into and it's a risk you take meeting anyone from online.

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If you don't knwo her well then don't even try it. Just think of it, sex with a complete stranger you met online and there isn't even feelings, yuck. Who knows what kinds of diseases she can bring you. Off course she say that she never had sex with guys she met online, she's saying what you wanna hear, off course she had sex or maybe the pic is anotehr girl or a prank. Either way don't do it if you're having many cons in your list.

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You don't have an age posted but I'll assume you are young.



You may be her dream guy in looks and what you have written may be the type of attitude she is looking for.




She doesn't look like her pic or is someone the ex is using to see what you will do.



either way, you have nothing to loose by at least meeting her face to face after talking on the phone a few times.

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