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whats up with craigslist personals?


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Craigslist is nothing but fake, bogus people..Don't waste your time with it..I have tried it several times and its nothing but a waste of time!


same here. but I have met someone real on matchdoctor and Plentyoffish (free sites). Now I need to pay for perfectmatch!

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Craigslist can work just like any other dating site. It has its advantages. In cities where it is popular, you have new people posting every day. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which profiles are fake and who the shills are. It is a very repetetive process for the fakes. They aren't very imaginative. People fall for the same crap.


For the record I dated a woman I met off craigslist for 2 months this fall. I sent an email to four women. Got four legitimate replies. She was one of them. We had a great time together.


Craigslist is free. Sometimes it is easier to meet women on there since there aren't a bunch of restrictions. Downside however, is that you usually don't know much about who you are meeting.

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Right. Women offering sex or making direct sexual gestures in the personals section. Those are all fake. Anytime you get a link to a woman's personal website, it is fake. Women who 'have to be discreet'. Those are usually fake. It is an easy way to cover up a money scam and for them not to have to give you any info. You can always ask them something about your city or something that will tip you off for a fake. They often can't answer.


Occasionally you will have some crafty fakers but they are usually caught by other members. You can mark any post spam just as any other member can. Enough votes and it is gone. There is power in numbers. Just look for repetition. You'll also get bots! Bots are easy to spot. You can tell a human didn't write it. They either write like 5 words to get your attention or they write several paragraphs that say nothing. Bots are all over craigslist.

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The protocol on craigslist's personals is an embarrassment in itself. The fact that many women on CL develop a lengthy criterium of Needs and Wants that are unrealistic just goes to show that many singles are single simply because they either do not know what they want and/or they are being way too picky about what they think would mesh best with, when they are really calling out for attention. I have read posts where a young woman would literally post several paragraphs about herself, usually rambling on about who-knows-what. If there is one thing I get turned off by dating profiles/posts, it is an autobiography. That's sort of like, um, hearing the entire spoiled plot of a movie or book from someone before you experience it yourself.

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That's sort of like, um, hearing the entire spoiled plot of a movie or book from someone before you experience it yourself.


well said! no one wants to hear a laundry list of wants/needs. just say the basics of what you are looking for and let the relationship unfold as it may.

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