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Don't Procrastinate


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That's a message destinated to any procrastinator to advice them on how to stop procrastination in addition to be a really good feeling for me...


I just did a quick move that took me three days to make it happen.

I had typed "chronic procrastination" in google.

So I was reading some of that documentation and at the point I felt the most into the message I stopped reading and did my move without thinking.


I really felt like there was something going on within me. It was incredible. EDIT: All of the evening, after posting this message,I did all kind of small things I would have never accomplished.


Now it's past and done. It's the best present I could offer to myself for christmas. I can't believe I did it. It's insane how that means a lot to me.


PS: If I'm not talking about the move I did, it's to make it more general. To proove that it applies with everything. In addition, you don't have to be during christmas to do it for yourself!

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