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How do you fight PMS???


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Mood swings can be tough. Its all the hormonal fluctuations and some crabbiness from cramps and bloating. Diet can help with a lot of women, salt intake should be watch to avoid too much as that adds to the water retention. Avoid binge eating, try to eat smaller meals 4-5 times a day. 100-200mg of vitamin B6 daily has been shown to help. Stress management can help too, try meditation and calming exercises.

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I just try to stay away from people. It doesn't seem to matter if I'm on the pill or not, I still get very crabby.


I get to the point where I will yell at someone if they are doing something that irriates me, such as chewing too loudly. I'm one of those uncontrollable dragons and if you get on my bad side, you will know about it


So basically, I use this as a time for self reflection and I try to be on my own. Nothing else seems to work for me.

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I take a capsule of evening primrose oil. You can get it from a health food shop, chemist or supermarket. It is where all the jars of vitamins and minerals are. Not sure if some brands are better than others.

I have never thought to take it as a herbal infusion. (Could be something to experiment with.)

I just take a tablet of it each day with food.

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