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rape? or not rape?


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This is a hypothetical situation. A guy and a girl are both consenting to sex. They start fooling around. In the beginning, no protection is being used. The guy is only externally putting his genitals against the girls genitals. Things heat up, the guy puts his penis inside the girl just a little bit n keeps "teasing' her this way. She likes it, shes consenting. Then it progresses. Guy puts it in all the way, girl is still consenting. Girl decides that this isn't right for her. So she tells the guy to stop and put a condom on. He says "I will in a minute." Girl goes along with it for a minute and then says "okay dude put a condom on." He keeps going. Girl says stop! ooops too late. Guy cums inside of her.


Could this be classified as rape?

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Then it's rape, as CB said, when she said no, stop, and he didn't, it's definitely rape. He has crossed the boundary and violated her.


However, will it hold a strong case in a court of law? Not likely, because it can easily be misconstrued by the perpetrator's defense unfortunately.

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Yes, it's rape. It's also considered rape by a court of law. The consequences of a man having unprotected sex with a woman against her will are enormous; the courts take into account not only the fact that it was non-consensual, but the psychological harm done by having to go for pregnancy tests and/or abortion or having an unwanted pregnancy.


Sex can become non-consensual at any point during the act; you always have the right to control your own body, and what happens to it, at all times. At no time is your body someone else's property to do with as they wish, so the minute you say no or otherwise communicate dissent by trying to get up, struggling, or even ceasing to participate, and they refuse to allow you to leave, or they do not stop, it becomes rape.


There can be questions about the clarity of the communication, whether or not the man realizes he's raping the woman -- i.e. acting against her will -- and punishments will be scaled to that. But not in this case. She clearly said no to unprotected sex, he clearly continued; she was raped.

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I kinda feel the same as Mitch... Isn't right before the act is finished a bit late to say no? Especially if she was into it before and he didn't attack her or something? She said yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-maybe-maybe no. She may have the right to feel angry at him, but she should also feel angry at herself for not requesting the condom sooner. I guess it also depends on what she does after she said no. If she continued anyway, I feel it would be different than if she stopped, yelled or tried to push him off.


Annie - yelling is clear. However, the example given doesn't seem to be yelling.

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Well, you can feel whatever you want, but according to the law, you're going to need a lawyer. At no point does a man possess the right to force a woman to do something sexually that she does not want to do, and has indicated (the volume at which she communicates this doesn't matter; yelling is inconsequential) that she does not want to do. It doesn't matter what the man wants, because both parties have to want the same thing. All rapists are doing what they want, and most of them manage to convince themselves they are in the right using some variation of "it's her fault anyway because she blah blah blah." The courts have heard it all before.

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If she was consenting from the beginning till the end then it's nor rape. Just like a previous poster say I would say it's call the "stupidity case". The girl should have think better of makingt he guy wear the condom even before the started having sex. She should have say something like "I'm not having sex with you, not until you put the condom" and the guy was careless as well, both of them uneducated.

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