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Is This Person Evil, Stupid, or Both?


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A person who grew up with two loving working class parents who gave him just about any and eveything he ever asked for all but abandonned them in thier time of need.


He was the only child and didn't want any responsiblity in life.


He lived in thier home and lived off of them working odd jobs off and on until he was about 30.


When they began to get sick, he started making excuses to leave them and move out.


He was the only child, when he mother got sick and signed his name on her bank account, he quit working all together and started taking large sums of money out her account lying to her about it and even took a trip out the country 2 weeks before she died.

He barely visited her in the hospital and even took the phone off the hook while she was laying sick in the hospital so he couldn't here that his mother had died.



When his father became ill around the same time he didn't want the responsibility of getting him out the hospital to care for him, but reluctantly did.

He then got his father to sign over money in HIS bank account too, used his money, got his father to put his name on the deed of the house....and even left his father alone several times in an attempt to abandon him but kept coming back.


He inherited his mother's and father's car not having established credit or holding down a job to buy his own.



Finally, after the car he was using to care or himself and his father was stolen he panicked and decided to sell the home for a cheap price against his father's will....move his father into an assisted living apartment....and ride around the country wasting money.


He left his father in an assisted living place with only one meal a day, no medicine, and little or no drinks in the place.


A few months later after calling, he found that his father was found collapsed in the apartment near death and had to be taken out by abulance.






Is that person stupid, evil, or both?


Should that person ever be forgiven?


What can that person possibly do to redeem themselves?

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I don't think he's evil. I think he's a lazy, selfish, ungrateful, stupid fool, who actively contributed/sped up the death of his parents.


Both parents are dead now so he can't be forgiven by them anyway, even if he wanted to. Can he forgive himself? There's little he can do to redeem himself to his parents because they're gone. He can, however, help other elderly people with no families, be selfless and kind and start thinking about other people instead of himself.

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Again, from my limited perspective, I think the son should first acknowledge his wrongdoings to himself and his father, sincerely asking for his father's forgiveness.


Then the son should do all that he can to make the rest of his father's life comfortable.


Also, Jaffa's suggestion of helping other elderly people sounds like one way to demonstrate his penitence. BUT this should be done out of compassion for these elderly people, and should NOT be considered as a punishment for himself for hurting his parents the way that he did.

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How terribly sad! Is it possible that he just couldn't handle the pain of losing his parents and he was in a rush to fill his time and not feel the pain?


I wouldn't say it's evil. But it's very selfish and terribly sad that someone would take such advantage of people that were willing to do Everything for him.


Yes, he can be forgiven. If he accepts responsibility, apologizes, and makes changes to be more caring, compassionate, and less selfish. He has to want to change to be a better person rather than out of more selfish reasons.

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What if that person...although he was 30....was still spoiled, immature, and not only didn't want to accept the responsiblity of caring for them but didn't want to experience the pain of SEEING them die?


Remember, although he's well into adulthood he's the only child and has no one else to count on.

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What if that person...although he was 30....was still spoiled, immature, and not only didn't want to accept the responsiblity of caring for them but didn't want to experience the pain of SEEING them die?


Remember, although he's well into adulthood he's the only child and has no one else to count on.

Then he's long over do for a good dose of being an adult. GROW UP! A 30 year old boy is sad and pathetic. Who cares if he has no one to count on, his parents obviously didn't have anyone to count on.


I think the only person that can give forgiveness is the father.

The son needs to spend all the money he can to make what life his father has better.

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It's weird.........

I used to look at people who would go out robbing strangers, killing people, and selling drugs as bad and even sometimes "evil" people.


I never stopped to think that abandoning your family and treating them like shiit as wicked or evil.


But there is actually more to the story than I posted, not a lot more....but there is some more.

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