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Dressing up for the gym...


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I just got home from my workout tonight and something really started bugging me. I've noticed it for years but never really paid much attention to it until tonight. Why do some people dress up like they are going out when they go to work out? I know the obvious answer is that they want to meet guys or meet girls (although I haven't seen any guys TOO dressed up but tight shirts I have). But, the point is, what kind of person are they hoping to meet there? If I meet someone at the gym and am attracted to them from what I see there, my thinking is that I would never want to date them, they should just be good for a (not gonna say the 4 letter word). I'm assuming most people aren't there to be looked at for that reason (they want to meet people but not thought of in that way or they would go to bars/clubs for that) so why do it?


The worst part is that they are barely working out and it really affects me only when I want to get on a machine, and there is one of them just sitting there taking their time. Tonight, one woman was actually at the triceps machine. She did like 4 reps and then made a phone call while she saw I was waiting there. Unbelievable. I had to be rude for her to get up and she acted like I should have waited until she finished talking. Unreal lol.


OK rant over heh.

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If I meet someone at the gym and am attracted to them from what I see there, my thinking is that I would never want to date them, they should just be good for a (not gonna say the 4 letter word).


Why do you assume this?


Personally, I like to look great no matter where I go. I don't wear alot of makeup, but I like to have pretty hair and a nice outfit. It has nothing to do with meeting guys.

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I'm a guy, and I wear tight clothing because its easier to work out in. It feels like I'm not wearing any clothes at all, and its easier for me to move around in. You know, like a superhero. I don't bother with the ladies because they're just there to do their thing and they probably don't want anything either because they're all sweaty.


If I could work out naked I would.

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Why do you assume this?


Personally, I like to look great no matter where I go. I don't wear alot of makeup, but I like to have pretty hair and a nice outfit. It has nothing to do with meeting guys.


These people clearly took the time to dress up. Not just throw on workout clothes. Not to mention, they are BARELY working out. Just chatting with people the whole time, mostly of opposite sex.


I look at them with such disgust lol.

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These people clearly took the time to dress up. Not just throw on workout clothes. Not to mention, they are BARELY working out. Just chatting with people the whole time, mostly of opposite sex.


I look at them with such disgust lol.


Why don't you give them what they want and ask them out on a date??

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Haha yeah i've seen that. Little groups of people standing around chatting and flexing their muscles. Why pay gym fees just to chat when you can go to a bar for free?


Although I admit I try to look ok before I go to the gym. Just because I dont want people looking at me thinking yikes! about my bed hair.

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She did like 4 reps and then made a phone call while she saw I was waiting there. Unbelievable. I had to be rude for her to get up and she acted like I should have waited until she finished talking. Unreal lol.


i don't think you were rude. I've done the same thing when I've seen someone just sitting on a machine, having a conversation for 10 minutes. I finally said, "hey - can I use this?" he seemed embarrassed.


I know at the old gym I used to work out at, there was a rule that if you were doing a high number of sets (ie, like 4 sets), on the same machine, others had a right to ask to hop in between your sets.

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These people clearly took the time to dress up. Not just throw on workout clothes. Not to mention, they are BARELY working out. Just chatting with people the whole time, mostly of opposite sex.


I look at them with such disgust lol.


whats so disgusting about it?they just see some relationships as body sex and ain't really interested in the emotional aspect. Everyone, does this to a degree. I feel its perfectly normal, if you've got it flaunt it ) they r just trying to live life to the maximum and probably get some on the side, good luck to them.#


Its not for me though, i'm reasonable attractive yet i prefer to down play it somewhat. I Like to go unshaven and won't take much care over my appearance, i don't want to come accross as egocentric or narcissistic. Also, its so i'll hopefully attract a likewise girl who can past the shallowness of bodies and try to like me as a person. Overall, its cos i've got a tiny and solely cos sexual relationships r off limits. If i had the goods, i probably be like the posers in the gym who get my respect.


I know a stereotypical guy like u've described where i work, he always works with tight tops on outside opening hours. It gets him alot of attention from the opposite sex and i feel many men are resentful and jealous, as he gets laid more than them. They give him a hard time about it in and outside work-even i do it on occasionals) its all good..some peeps seek emotional relationships, others unemotional its probably alot down to ur strengths and weaknesses.


Hey tiredman, if your single why don't u join in the fun, your probably score with some shallow ladies hehe

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whats so disgusting about it?they just see some relationships as body sex and ain't really interested in the emotional aspect. Everyone, does this to a degree. I feel its perfectly normal, if you've got it flaunt it ) they r just trying to live life to the maximum and probably get some on the side, good luck to them.#


Hey tiredman, if your single why don't u join in the fun, your probably score with some shallow ladies hehe


Well, I like my physique. I have been putting in exercise for like 12 years now as well as sports. But I'm not gonna be dressing up for the gym.


Yeah, I HAVE gotten with a couple (not at this gym) years back but I am not single now so I wouldn't go there. I have gotten 2 or 3 numbers in the past couple of years though (one like 3 weeks ago). In the context of conversation, it was given but I tossed them out.


But I find it odd when they look like a "piece of meat" and then get offended when you treat them as such. An example of this is I remember meeting this girl once in a dance club. Anyway, she finally approached me (which is something I dig) after waiting for me to approach her for like 20 minutes lol. After about 25 minutes or dancing and chatting, she was hoping to go out and date. I have to admit she looked good but in a half naked clubby looking good kind of way meaning I'd get with her but I wouldn't be with her. I politely told her that I would never date someone I met in a club and she got so offended lol. Just made me think of that right now.


But anyway, it's a gym. I'm thinking why pay the fees to go there and waste time and try to attract guys/girls? Better and cheaper places for that. Especially when they are chatting while on a machine and I have to wait like 5 minutes between sets ugh!

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But I find it odd when they look like a "piece of meat" and then get offended when you treat them as such.


What? I'm not quite sure what a "piece of meat" looks like.. Just because you enjoy your body and like to look good doesn't mean that you're a . It means you're confident.


And any woman has the right to get upset if you treat them like a piece of meat. They are humans.

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What is worse than this is people who go out in public dressed as if they are going to the gym. They look so gd awful at the grocery store dressed in sweat pants. Sometimes, they are wearing flip-flops like they belong at the pool, or sometimes not wearing shoes at all. Don't these gd people realize that others have to look at them?

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What is worse than this is people who go out in public dressed as if they are going to the gym. They look so gd awful at the grocery store dressed in sweat pants. Sometimes, they are wearing flip-flops like they belong at the pool, or sometimes not wearing shoes at all. Don't these gd people realize that others have to look at them?

I love the people on on campus that wear their pajamas out to class. I know guys that wear their clothes to bed so they can just pull on their shoes in the morning to go to class. Oh SWOON!

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What? I'm not quite sure what a "piece of meat" looks like.. Just because you enjoy your body and like to look good doesn't mean that you're a . It means you're confident.


And any woman has the right to get upset if you treat them like a piece of meat. They are humans.


Not in my eyes. If a woman is wearing something that shows a lot, I will not look at them in any fashin other than what I said. I don't mean I'm a whistler or howlers like some but if I meet someone dressed that way, it's not someone I take seriously.


Like Dave Chappelle said in one of his routines about this exact subject, if he were to go out dressed like a cop, he can't be surprised if someone were to think he was one. He did this sarcastic bit about "just because I'm dressed this way, doesn't mean I"m a (insert phrase)". His response was "you may not be one, but you are wearing a (phrase again)'s uniform." Hilarious stuff!!

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What is worse than this is people who go out in public dressed as if they are going to the gym. They look so gd awful at the grocery store dressed in sweat pants. Sometimes, they are wearing flip-flops like they belong at the pool, or sometimes not wearing shoes at all. Don't these gd people realize that others have to look at them?


Nothing wrong with being laid back like that.


Now if you are talking about someone is wearing clothing that is very revealing yet they don't have the body to pull it off, now that is something disturbing lol.

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I don't dress up to go....and I do put in a tough workouts when I am there as part of my training.


I do wear tank tops, tights that I am comfortable in and do not restrict my movement and breathe well. I cannot personally help it if that means you also see my figure...lol...


I don't ever talk to anyone except to ask if they are using a bench I need or something, or if I can intersperse with their sets. My time is so limited when I go that I do not have time to stop and chat other than a wave or head nod to the regulars! I am usually doing circuits so stopping would really destroy the momentum aspect too!


I don't notice that dressing up and chatting and stuff anyway at my gym, but it is more of a gym where people whom go are serious and/or in training which may make a difference as they are there with a goal in mind and it is not to pick up or impress!

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Most of the gyms I have ever gone to, it seems like women like to dress nice and preen and see if they attract guys, and vice versa with the guys. Sometimes, I think some people see gyms as pick-up places. I had a roommate that like working out at the gym to see if she could pick up guys.


I stay away from working out at the gym, because I dont have fashionable gym clothing.

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Congrats! You found a good gym. I've been to a couple of those and the only bad thing is you get too many pro type bodybuilders who use so much weight and then don't put that back (big pet peeve). I'm a pretty big guy and all but I'm not a pro lol.


But trust me, there is a huge difference in workout clothes and clothes that are TRYING to draw attention. I saw this girl wearing an almost see-through tank top today (it was white) with the words sexy mama written accross the chest. Not to mention it was so low, when she bent down, you saw EVERYthing. I won't even mention how short these shorts were lol. People were gawking and that is what she wanted, I'm sure. Ugh!!

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Congrats! You found a good gym. I've been to a couple of those and the only bad thing is you get too many pro type bodybuilders who use so much weight and then don't put that back (big pet peeve). I'm a pretty big guy and all but I'm not a pro lol.


But trust me, there is a huge difference in workout clothes and clothes that are TRYING to draw attention. I saw this girl wearing an almost see-through tank top today (it was white) with the words sexy mama written accross the chest. Not to mention it was so low, when she bent down, you saw EVERYthing. I won't even mention how short these shorts were lol. People were gawking and that is what she wanted, I'm sure. Ugh!!


We share a pet peeve! Irritates me too, particularly those whom seem to slam the weights down to make sure everyone looks at them....and of course means that the weights are loose for anyone whom follows!


This one is not too bad. I go to the student gym now that I am back in school and maybe it is the time I go, asI go when it is mostly working professionals before work, or students from some of the athletic departments (maybe the preeners are still in bed!). People are pretty good and pretty serious about doing their workout..the atmosphere is probably one that would turn away those whom are trying to pick up anyway.


I see what you are talking about now. Yeah, when working out I prefer to not have to worry about whether my boob has popped out the top of my shirt or I am showing too much of my butt (or something else) while doing squats..lol.


Now that I think about it, my old gym had a few fitness competitors, and former bodybuilders whom tended to show off. Near the last few months I was there a new fitness competitor joined, and these guys would follow her around like lemmings....probably as she wore these tiny pink tops that you could see right down...and see almost EVERYTHING when she was doing bench press or anything (and they definitely were 'add-ons'!)...lol..sure they wanted to "spot"....

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Oh i can list gym pet peeves.


1) People who go there to socialize and take way too long on machines.

2) Someone who is taking forever and won't let you work in.

3) Someone who sweats all over the machine or bench or seat and doesn't wipe it off.

4) The clothing on the females looking to attract guys and the guys wearing spandex.

5) The grunters. I grunt a small amount but there are those who scream like they are being tortured.

6) people who put on like 6 plates and then leave it like that. 1 ok but 6?

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7) People whom don't ask if they can work in. I have no problem working in with someone, and them joining, but I hate when they SEE you are using it, and just take it over and don't work in with you in return unless you specifically state you are using it too!


I hate #6 too, especially as often they put them on machines or bars that are too high for me to reach (i.e. above head level and are the 45lb weights which I cannot safely reach up and take off if they are above my head!)....so I need to ask someone to give me a hand (which makes me feel really girly..ha..)



And leftover sweat...well NO ONE likes that!

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The sweat is the worst.


I've never seen someone work in with me and then not let me back in. I guess being a big dude helps lol. Never had the bar height problem either lol. But I hate getting on a machine and there are way too many weights on it.


The grunting is the funniest. There is this one women who works out there. She is a female bodybuilder. I love muscles on a woman but not THAT much. It's changed her features and her voice. VERYYYYY deep voice.


Anyway, when she is lifting, she grunts and yells like nothing I have ever heard. You can hear her on the other floor of the gym. It's LOUDDDDD. It sounds like a man (lol) going through childbirth. Can't say woman because of how low the voice is haha.

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The sweat is the worst.


I've never seen someone work in with me and then not let me back in. I guess being a big dude helps lol. Never had the bar height problem either lol. But I hate getting on a machine and there are way too many weights on it.


The grunting is the funniest. There is this one women who works out there. She is a female bodybuilder. I love muscles on a woman but not THAT much. It's changed her features and her voice. VERYYYYY deep voice.


Anyway, when she is lifting, she grunts and yells like nothing I have ever heard. You can hear her on the other floor of the gym. It's LOUDDDDD. It sounds like a man (lol) going through childbirth. Can't say woman because of how low the voice is haha.


Maybe they figure that because I am a petite girl I will only do one set...who knows! I certainly let them know they assumed wrong anyway!

And I am 5'4", so given most of the guys there are more around 6' I run into that issue frequently....


Nice...yeah.....I am sure it's not the muscles alone that changed her features and voice...not without some not-so-legit-help....

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The gym can definitely be a major meat market and a place where people like to show off.


I have tried out a few trial memberships to various gyms and I never could stand it. Between the meat market aspect, waiting for machines (I am very impatient) and the germs and sweat (I get grossed out easily) I decided to give up on the concept of the gym all together. I saved up my money that I would have spent on memberships and bought some equipment for home. I'm much happier when I can work out alone.


The only place I work out publicly is in an indoor city pool. Even then, I go extremely early in the morning and most of the time, I'm swimming with the elderly so there are no people looking for dates there.



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