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Bad day

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I found out today that my great-grandfather is ill. My grandmother is warning the family that if they want to see him they should do it soon. I am trying to arrange to go see him the first of next month. He lives about 8 hours of driving away from me.



I also found out that my mom and my three youngest siblings were in a car accident earlier this morning. The car was totaled. My mom and one of my brothers are unharmed. My other brother had to have stiches. My youngest sister had to be put to sleep to be stitched up. She also has a broken arm and a minor concusion. So I going to the hosiptal to spend some time with her tonight.

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I went to see my sister last night. She is doing very well and will likely be going home today. She'll be a little sore for a while, but once the swelling goes down she should be as good as new. Of course, she'll have to wear the cast for quite some time. I am just glad that nobody was hurt any worse then they were. Cars are replacable. Lives aren't.

From what they tell me. My sister went through the back windsheild. Mom hit some black ice and went off the road. The car was on the roof when the ambulance got there.

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