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Is it time to leave internship?

Double J

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Hello all,


I'll make this short. I've basically been intern at a media/advertising agency for almost a year now. They've given me extensions twice now, and the latest one is slated to expire again in March. Great pay, fairly nice people, but I think it might be time to move on. Here's why:


- The company has undergone major changes in the short time I've been here. In only a short period of time I went from working with the lady who trained me and a supervisor to literally having no supervisor at all. The supervisor left to another company and the one who trained me now works for a different account. Thus, I literally don't have a supervisor anymore, don't feel like I have a little group within the company anymore, and thus because of this I feel like I'm not learning much anymore.


- Although I'm majoring in marketing, this place is an advertising agency. Although it's made me like and appreciate advertising a lot more, I'm still unsure as to whether I want to get into marketing (consumer products) or advertising. That's why I want to get my feet wet in the marketing side of it (as I did here w/ advertising) before I graduate and I won't be able to do so if I stay. Besides, that's what I'm studying in the first place.


- My main interest in market research (interviews, focus groups, etc) and those are things that I don't deal with in this place. There is a research area in this company but it's only limited to two directors who have no subordinates. I work on a limited basis with one of them but room for growth in the research area seems uncertain in this company.


- One of the main responsibilities of this job is followup with offices in other markets - depending on them to send you things you need all the time. I think I want to be able to do the work that is needed on my own without having to depend on the other offices as much.


- This job only gives me the chance to utilize my second language (Spanish) and barely English. Considering that I've always been merited for my English skills, I honestly don't like this aspect.


In my opinion, it's been a great internship and has lasted fairly long (most of them are usually under a year) but perhaps it's time to test other waters. I have to act soon considering I graduate after the fall of 2007.


Does anyone have any comments/suggestions ?

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If you've already graduated college and this internship is your only source of income, I think you should stick around. I've been in your situation before and if you feel that you're not getting the proper training/mentor you need to progress within the company to leave but only after lining up another job first.


Good luck

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The fall semester of 2007 should be my last semester - I still haven't graduated. I totally agree with you about lining another job before leaving - I plan to polish my resume now over the break and start actively searching again in the new year.

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Is this a paid internship? If so, I would try to find something while still working there. That way you're not financially insecure while trying to find a new internship.


I say go for it. Try to find something new. This way you'll know what you want to do with your future career.


*btw, congrats on graduating next year! Yay! I graduated University last spring at it was seriously one of the happiest days of my life.

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I agree on the point that it's never smart to leave a job (even an internship) without having another job lined up. However, it never hurts to put your feelers out and see what additional internships may be available to you. You might find something better or decide that your current position is the place to stay.

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