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Best wishes for southerngirl!


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Linda!!! Awe, what a wonderful name with a profound familial tie. NICE!!


I'm hoping the pain has subsided now and you are taking it easy.


Excellent post by Hope (edit to correct screenname - had southerngirl). I read in a book recently that a dab of breast milk on the nipple rubbed around it actually serves as a protectant and natural soothing agent. Just squeeze/express (I forget the word they use) the nipple to produce a little extra milk and dab that on. I have NEVER tried this but read it works.

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Congratulations southerngirl! Linda is a beautiful name! I'm so happy for you and your family. I always wanted to have two boys and a girl


My niece was born a little jaundiced and was able to be on a UV light at home for several days, no problem. My son was too, but he was at the hospital anyway (preemie) and came off the lights in a few days. A LOT of newborns are born jaundiced, it's really no big deal. *hugs*!!!!


Anyway, big hugs to you and Linda!!! Congratulations!!

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