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How would you react if.......


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your SO discovers all your ENA posts you been making. Now that must be quite embarrassing, not that I'm hiding stuff from my b/f, I'm not, well besides writing here at ENA and on another forum called Loveshack (but I like Ena way more), I'm not hiding anything and definitely not cheating and never would I.


Thing last thing b/f came to my house, while he was taking a nap, I browse here and was answering a post about a man posting on the infidelity forum, just then as I was gonna answered it b/f wakes up and well he basically wanted to read the post. I close the window aftercourse and well that for a little while left him thinking I was actually hiding something, in which he started explaining how he would catch his now ex in lies, esp. when she cheated on him.


Thing is if he does one day by accident happens to stop here at ENA or the other forum and discovered all my posts, I don't think I'm gonna be here no more .

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I would be a little embarrassed, b/c with anonimity, its easy to be completely honest. Even more honest than you would be or atleast more open than w/ people in your life, sometimes.


But I don't think it'd be a huge deal. I'd be irritated that he was snooping and more careful in the future about the way I said things on here, but I wouldn't quit coming here.


Why would you leave Ailec?

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Why would you leave Ailec?


B/c this has been like my online diary for quite a bit more than a year and well the more embarrassing part is when I made a few posts on our intimacy level on the sex and romance forum. I really don't want to leave but if he discovers this, then I got no choice.



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why would u leave? what are u worried about?


hey, i looki back at some posts i did and go whoa!


B/c then my online diary would be ruined. I'm worry that he might one day find it by accident. He did say that he used to be on another site where he would post as another person or go to myspace with a different sn (basically either to catch his ex on lies or just to pull a prank on friends) to see how many people would fall for it. He finds it dumb posting on forums, oh well that's him, I don't.



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My bf found this site on my computer one day while I was in the shower... and I had written quite a thread about him when we were going through a hard time and had broken up for a short time. He asked to read the thread and I was embarrassed but said yes... after all I wasn't hiding anything from him persay, and our actual names had not been used.


So he read the whole thing and said afterwards that it felt weird to read about himself and me on there, and hard to read how much I was hurting when I wrote everything, but he understood why I came here for support, and now he is supportive of me posting here.


It can definitely be awkward though!

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god... I would be SO embarrassed... when I signed up for this thing, I didn't think I'd hang around for so long... so i chose my regular user name. I so wish I would've been more creative... Out of curiosity, I googled my username and lots of my posts came up :S

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My boyfriend knows I post here - he came accross them early on when we were dating and had read some of my posts; though he respects it as "my thing" anyway and pretty rare he looks.


He pretty much knows my life anyway, so there is nothing he does not know already!

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god... I would be SO embarrassed... when I signed up for this thing, I didn't think I'd hang around for so long... so i chose my regular user name. I so wish I would've been more creative... Out of curiosity, I googled my username and lots of my posts came up


You can PM an administrator (avman or kamurj) and request a username change, and they can take care of that pretty quickly for you if you decide that you would like to be more anonymous.

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I got found out as well. I am just even more careful which threads I post to. But I also think he doesn't have the interest to read the posts I make here or get into the issues. It's just not his thing.


When I got sprung I asked the mods to delete some of my threads and this was done really quickly, it was great. No record of me in those areas at all.


I am actually more worried about someone he knows working out who I am (and who he is) than for me, I just don't want to embarrass him. However I realise this is highly paranoid given distances, info given etc.


I have a spare name and email address all lined up in case I even need to switch aliases. I am also going to delete my photo soon, just in case.

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Oh man, I'd be pissed! Only because he'd find out everything I bought him for X-mas, which would put a HUGE damper on the holiday, atleast for me.


I wouldn't mind if he saw all of the other things I've posted, though. I don't come here for advice, I just give it to people.

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