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Am i doing things to fast ?


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So alright, let me explain this little story


My friends ex g/f's friend and I have been talking for awhile over msn ( my friend always keeps girls away from me because hes afraid that imma steal them). Anyway yesterday i met her for the first time finally along with my friends ex g/f and had alot of fun. I like this girl and im pretty sure she shares the same feelings.. my question is i dont wanna seem to desperate so should i stick with the 3 day rule and wait before calling her back or does that rule not apply anymore ?

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Nothing wrong with calling her the next day. Most women, if interested, are really flattered to hear from that potential love interest. It makes them feel wanted, and that can really spark the fire as opposed to silly waiting games.


Go for the gold

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yikes...well go with your instincts, dont let the 3 day rule ruine things..


if this guy is a good friend of yours and you like the ex, I predict some fricture between the two of you, hopefully yall can owrk it out though...


im not after the ex.. im after the ex's friend. I wouldnt do that to my friend


anyway i called her n im going out with her tomorrow night

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