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Sorry daddy...


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Sorry daddy,

What did i do,

Should i have,

Tied your shoe?


Sorry daddy,

Why aren't i your everything,

Is it because,

Deep down you think you are nothing?


Sorry daddy,

But what crime did i commit?

I wish i had your love,

That i will admit.


Sorry daddy,

I really tried,

Wanted to be your angel,

But how can i be when inside i have died?


Oh what can i do?

All my love has been kept for you!


Was it enough,

To hold your head up high,

And walk on by,

Like nothing ever hapened?


Hunny hunny,

What can i say?

Your love was all i wanted,

Yet hatred was what i was granted.


So here i'll lay,

Goodbye i'll say,

To this world,

To you,

To your hatred,

And all those things that you do.


So daddy just a few questions...


Do you believe my fragile disguise?

Do you honestly think i'm happy?

Can you see any smiles of true joy?

Or are they all fake...


Feeling so alone,

wanting you,

Putting others aside for you,

Don't know what to do without you!


I miss you,

I want you,

I love you...



So daddy i am so sorry for spilling dinner,

Sorry for knocking into you,

I swear i tried to be perfect,

Just for you!


I tried to make you happy,

Just made you angry,

Didn't mean to be your disgrace.

Didn't mean to be your embarressment.


Sorry i am me,

Wish i could be,

Anyone but me...

Why can't you see i didn't chose to be me!

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Yea I can imagine it would be troubling having a parent that's suppost to love you, yet shows hatred towards you, it woudl make you look as a outcast. Great poem by the way and don't worry about it, in the end you're the stronger person for not resorting to his behavior, you still love him no matter what hateful things he say, he's your father afterall.


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