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Oddly upset about a girl


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I went on numerous dates with this girl, and ended in her not wanting to deal with some drama that would have been caused if we spent more time together.


I fell for her already. I think about her each day and wonder already. I feel like its still possible, but I don't think she will be able to reciprocate. Anyways, I like this girl a lot... almost too much and it was only 1 week of admiration, and 1 week of dates.


Its really gotten me upset which is odd. I don't think I've felt like that before. Really upsetting it can't work... but what is this called? I know its not love yet, and I don't lust after her... I just really want to talk to her. Its like I've grown so fond of who she is, and its ripped out beneath me.


I feel more distraught of "losing" her than I did with my break-up with my ex of almost 2 years.

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I ran into a similar problem. Like I said in my other post though... I've never met someone I had so much in common with. Pretty much what I've always been looking for. I don't agree x-mas will be a good time to let the feelings pass. It's a time you liked to spend with people you feel are special and important. Problem for me is... I felt she was one of them. You can call it infatuation, or whatever you want. But I know what I feel, and like you said, I can't get her out of my mind. I've been hangin with her for about a month too. Wish there was more time to spend with each other, but she's gonna be busy for the holidays, and I know the best thing I can be right now is a "good friend". *sigh*

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