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girls would u date guy who had less education , made less than u


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I totally agree but do not understand why ambition is being equated to wanting money.


Here is the first definition from the dictionary for ambition: "an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment."


The second definition is more neutral: "the object, state, or result desired or sought after."


I don't think that ambition always equates to wanting money, however, from my personal experience working with and meeting ambitious people, ambition is defined as the first listing, and that's were it enters a gray area. What's the fine line that separates ambition from greed? Wall Street bankers are referred to as ambitious individuals. As are corporate executives and attorneys. We don't define them as being greedy. The work they do is very important - they make society function. And they are adequately compensated for their work. But how many people who put in 80+ hours are truly happy, and do it for reasons other than money? I'd bet that money is the main motivator.


I guess that ambition, or laziness, is only in the eye of the beholder. A corporate raider may define a waiter as lazy and wasting away their potential, whereas the waiter may just want to live and enjoy his life, be it sleeping in, hanging out with friends, having hobbies, and stopping to smell the roses if you will. It gets tough because there are a few school of thoughts on how much one should work and strive for in life, and perhaps, there really isn't a right path.

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You are right - the definition of ambition is varied. For me, I would want my partner to be ambitious about doing well in his career and having a strong work ethic. If his career was only focused on making money or managing money, and his only ambition was to make a lot of money, we would not have compatible values. I make more than my boyfriend does and because of our career choices I probably always will (unless I some day stay home to work in the home raising a family) but he is just as, if not more ambitious than me when it comes to his career.


He does not work 80 hours a week (he used to have a job that had those types of requirements but that job was not his passion - this one is his passion even though it pays far less) but his dedication to his work and his ambition to reach for the stars in something that he is so skilled and talented at is quite impressive. Having said that, I know he would put having a family above career success if that were a choice he needed to make. Indeed, one of the reasons he chose this particular career is because it is very conducive to having a family and having ample time to spend raising a family. Best of both worlds (other than for someone who wants to be wealthy, which I can take or leave as can he).


So, that is what ambition means to me. I have declined dates and decided not to get involved with wealthy men whose goals were focused mostly on money. Ambitious, but not the right kind of ambitious to make a good match for me.

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