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Circumcised or Complete?


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I've been with both and although I enjoy the look of a circumsized penis better, I don't care either way.


My bf has an uncircumsized one and he has a history of trouble with it. He's one of the "lucky" few that can't retract the foreskin as much as most men can. He's very clean and tries his best but he still has problems (and he's also very sensitive to soaps, etc). He's seriously thinking about getting circumsized because of this.


So...ya. Either way is fine!


I'm slightly hesitatant to post this cos it's a bit embarrassing... oh what the hell


I think your bf is right to seriously consider surgery but maybe not circumcision. I had a similar problem with what I thought was a tight foreskin as it was quite difficult to retract and slightly painful when it did. One time during sex I suddenly felt a snapping sensation and the next thing I knew absolutely everything was covered in blood - particularly tricky as we were on the sofa at my gf's parents' house at the time!


Anyway I think what happened was that I tore the frenulum, the bit that connects the glans to the foreskin. Actually it wasn't particularly painful, and I ended up not bothering to see a doc about it (typical bloke). It has healed well and doesn't look abnormal - well, I haven't done a side-by-side comparison, but it looks normal to me IYSWIM.


So it wasn't a terrible thing to happen but I would prefer not to have gone through it. Anyway here's an article about it and frenuloplasty, the procedure to correct it: link removed

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Thought I'd offer my personal experience on this:


I was circumcised aged 19 to correct frenulum breve (short frenulum, probably what timlondon had). No alternatives were discussed with me and I was never informed of any potential loss of sensation.


Prior to my circumcision I had a highly erogenous penis, I didn't notice any difference in this for the first year or so after the operation. After about 2 years I started to have difficulty achieving ejaculation and consequently erectile dysfunction developed.


The sensation I have now is virtually nil. It isn't numb, but it isn't erogenous. It is about as sensitive as the skin on my shoulder. However there is a clear difference of experience - most men have no significant loss of sensation when circumcised as adults.


The question is whether the difference between us is psychological or physical. Since I had 2 piercings in my remaining shaft skin (to try and increase sensation) and didn't feel any pain I consider the problem to be physical in my case.


In light of the growing evidence that circumcision can adversely affect sensitivity in many cases, non-essential circumcision cannot be justified until more research is known.


The alternatives (preputioplasty, dorsal slit, steroid creams) tackle all but the most extreme problems (e.g. penile carcinoma).


I cannot see any legitimate case for circumcision in all but the most extreme cases when the cause of sensation loss remains unknown.



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Like many other posters have said, if I've gotten that far into the relationship, it really doesn't matter what his penis looks like (or even how big it is). BUT, because I live in the US and being circumsized is VERY common, I am definitely more used to seeing circumsized than non. Actually, the first time I saw a non, it kind of weirded me out for a couple of minutes... So really, I don't have a preference, but circumsized is what I'm used to.

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Think of your clitoris - it is generally hidden, covered and so can remain more sensitive. If it was NOT, it would become more tolerant as a method of protection and less sensitive.


That's a point I was going to bring up.


I'm not cut, but when erect you wouldn't know it as the skin fully retracts.


I think of it the same way I think of a convertible car. The cover is there when it's needed (for the guy, most of the time when not engaged in sexual activities, for the car when it's not a sunny day) and not in the way when the time is right (sex and sunny days).


Having the foreskin retains sensitivity as the head and edge of the glans (most sensitive for most guys) is not constanatly being rubbed on by undergarmnets etc. When retracted, all those super sensitive areas are exposed as the skin moves out of the way.


Guys, if your head remains covered even when erect doing some work stretching the skin to allow it to pull back to reveal the glans is definitely worth the effort.

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