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Circumcised or Complete?


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I've been with more circumcised, so complete seems a bit strange to me but I could definitly get used to it and love it.


I think the foreskin is there for a reason (evolution doesn't do things without a good reason), and I think natural is sexy.

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I think the foreskin is there for a reason (evolution doesn't do things without a good reason), and I think natural is sexy.


Well it depends on how far you want to take the word natural, I would argue that unnatural things tend to be more sexy. As far as evolution or a diety is concerned I cannot see the wisdom in having hair between the butt cheeks is gross proportions.

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Well it depends on how far you want to take the word natural, I would argue that unnatural things tend to be more sexy. As far as evolution or a diety is concerned I cannot see the wisdom in having hair between the butt cheeks is gross proportions.


That's what waxing is for. But I think there's a difference between taking care of yourself (ie waxed) and mutilating yourself (ie: circumcision, plastic surgery, etc.)


By the way, I think butt hair is cute on a guy..

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Either or is fine with me personally. The truth is I am with someone for more than their penis, and whether they are cut or not is something that was usually decided FOR them when they were infants, not something they can do anything about (or if they can...I would never ask them too!).


I have to say, I really don't plan on getting any future son of mine circumcised; my brothers were not (my mum is English) and while it is VERY common here, it seems to be done more as an appearance thing or to "look like daddy" rather than for any religious reasons. Oh, and I have seen some horror stories in some medical malpractice files....


The fact is as agent said you do lose a LOT of nerve endings and sensitivity; and contrary to myth you don't get more infections (hygiene is important whether circumcised or not!) and boys can learn how to take care of the area. I have been with people whom have had either or, and the ones whom were not circumcised definitely appeared, and claimed to have a lot of sensitivity.


To me, it just does not make sense to do honestly. It's like cutting the ears and tails on dogs to make them look "better" and stuff, I never get that. I understand for some it is due to religious reasons, but I certainly can not understand why it is so automatic here in North America to do without even second guessing it.

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I prefer circumcised but......I could get used to a guy that was natural If I liked everything else about him . I only say this because I live in the US and I have never been with a guy who isn't.....I think it looks nicer being cut, but I've only seen pictures of the natural type.

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Oh, and I have seen some horror stories in some medical malpractice files....


Really? Even using modern methods? I am against circumcision, but I left the decision up to the father. I know it's important for men to look the same as their dads, and I wouldn't want to do something that would hinder my son's relationship with his father. But I am quite uncomfortable with it. I've heard horror stories of it going bad, but I assumed they were extremely rare.

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i had it done becuase of medical reasons when i was young, im english, and theres not many people over here that i know who have it done, well in my area. And i would make my children have it done. If anything i wish i didnt have it done. But thats probably just becuase of my hard time i had at school being bullyed over it. And then my lack of confidence getting in a sexual relationship with girls. Yeah i have issues lol . . . but ive had no complaints

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Really? Even using modern methods? I am against circumcision, but I left the decision up to the father. I know it's important for men to look the same as their dads, and I wouldn't want to do something that would hinder my son's relationship with his father. But I am quite uncomfortable with it. I've heard horror stories of it going bad, but I assumed they were extremely rare.


Yes really, I had access to reading such files due to an old job.


There was a recent case here when a boy was circumcised without consent, and though nothing bad happened...yikes. The "bad" I have seen is far worse, involving reconstructive surgery....


The methods really are not "modern" - they use the same techniques they have for eons. It is the same principle behind it, to cut the blood supply to the foreskin they are removing. Of course they are not COMMON, but still I guess for me I don't see the benefit in taking the risk in the first place for most people. Maybe you should do more research into the procedure they do in hospitals before deciding....it's NOT a pleasant experience for the baby. I am sure the medical staff try to make it fine, but I just cannot imagine the confusion a young baby has at that age over it not knowing what is going on.


I really would hope that whether or not a boy was circumcised would not be a factor that affects the relationship between their father! I mean...to me that is not very logical. I would not take my daughters in for surgery to get the same breasts, or have my kids all get nose jobs, and so on! I do not think men care to look like their dads honestly - I just think some parents feel they should! They (the babies) have no choice in the matter.


I just think it is really a senseless process really in the way it is used now (mainly as aesthetic reasons, or uninformed ideas about cleanliness, etc) but that is just MY personal opinion as I said before.



As for HIV rates, and such, I think there may be a slightly higher chance according to a study but you have to also consider the risks of exposure in first place, and OTHER methods of STI prevention that are used and so on; and the fact that studies are always going to have error rates and so on and I don't even know all the details of it and how they conducted it. For me education about safe sex makes more sense, it's not like if they are circumcised they should not be taking precautions as their risk is a bit lower!


I have seen other studies that show minimal differences in infections (enough to be within error percentage); again they need to be educated about cleanliness; just as any child should be. Sometimes if the foreskin does not withdraw as they get older they may need surgery or the procedure, but these are pretty rare cases apparently.

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To me it doesn't matter if the man is circumsized or not. If I'm going to get that far into a relationship and we're doing show and tell.... cut or uncut doesn't make a difference.


Cleanliness. THAT is paramount whether they are cut or uncut. I keep clean and do maintenance.... so I do expect that same courtesy.


I have girls. But had I had a son... I did "NOT" plan to circumsize. Its probably just as well that we didn't have a boy. A huge argument would have ensued in the hosiptal. My "X" was adament about having the baby circumsized... for no other reason than to look like him... and so that he would feel comfortable in the locker room with other boys. I didn't agree with it. I think it would be painful and needless. I don't care if the baby doesn't remember.. to me its barbaric.


And yes... I had a friend who had her son circumsized. The operation was sloppy and some forskin was left behind. The area infected even though mom kept it clean... and the baby had to go through another procedure to fix it. That poor mom went through heck having to give her son up to doctors again.


I know a man who had it done as an adult.... he did tell me there "WAS" a marked difference in feeling. He said that he was more sensitive prior to circumcision.

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I really would hope that whether or not a boy was circumcised would not be a factor that affects the relationship between their father! I mean...to me that is not very logical.


I don't get it either.


I'm against it because I've discussed it with my doctor and my midwife and done extensive research. I'm very uncomfortable with it.


It's a matter of balancing my personal beleifs with the right of the father to also make important parenting decisions. Now I'm even more freaked out though.

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Some recent research indicates a reduction in female-male HIV transmission rates of 60% in circumcised men:


"A randomized controlled trial (RCT) has shown that male circumcision (MC) reduces sexual transmission of HIV from women to men by 60% (32%−76%; 95% CI) offering an intervention of proven efficacy for reducing the sexual spread of HIV"


link removed


Obviously the main thing is to get the safe sex message out, but this can't hurt. Well, maybe it can, but you get my drift...

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Actually, the penis is more sensitive without the extra skin. It reveals the most sensitive part of the head in all conditions.


Ah, but that is exactly why it is no longer as sensitive, because it becomes desensitized by being so exposed to the environment, including more abrasion, etc and do it develops a tolerance. Parts of our body that are not exposed or touched so often tend to be more sensitive to touch.


Think of your clitoris - it is generally hidden, covered and so can remain more sensitive. If it was NOT, it would become more tolerant as a method of protection and less sensitive.


The actual movement of the foreskin over the tip as well during sex further accents the feelings. When erect, foreskin does draw back exposing the tip, so it is not remaining covered up during sex - allowing for even greater sensitivity.

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I've been with both and although I enjoy the look of a circumsized penis better, I don't care either way.


My bf has an uncircumsized one and he has a history of trouble with it. He's one of the "lucky" few that can't retract the foreskin as much as most men can. He's very clean and tries his best but he still has problems (and he's also very sensitive to soaps, etc). He's seriously thinking about getting circumsized because of this.


So...ya. Either way is fine!

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