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let's pretend


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2 poems

lets pretend

its been a while and i'm in denial

so ashamed i haven't gotten over you by now

but you don't know how I'm feeling

you don't know atall.


you dont know that i see your face too many times in one day

so lets just pretend.

because loves a waste of my time.

takes up too much of my mind.


lets pretend you didnt push me out of your life

lets pretend you didnt hear me cry

lets pretend i never loved you atall


could you look me in the eyes

could you look me in the eyes and tell me what i'm here for

could you tell it to my face, spell it out for me please

it seems i'm having trouble comprehending

this worthless image you see

the one you see when you look at me.

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i will not deny nor be ashamed

for wanting to know everything about u

that i long to sit with u

in silnce and just listen

for once really listen

i want to know

you are always in my thoughts

i don't run from them

it is a great part of how

i get things done

i pushed you out of my life

and i am trying to gently let u walk back

i don't need to you cry to feel your tears

and u can tell me you never loved me

and i will hold my chest out and

let you

i have always looked in your eyes

they tell me i don't control them

i have no words to give

because our heads rested togther

is more than people will every earn in a lifetime

i do not look at you

u allow me to see u

in all of the colours

that us are

to yerself

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