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After 2 yrs we broke up, how to get her back


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About three months ago I broke up with my high school sweetherat of over 2 yrs. AFter a few days i realized it was a mistake and tried to get her back, but she felt it couldnt happen right now. After about a week she hooked up with a new guy, a guy she had been "friends with" for a yr or so. Over the last three months Ive tried everything to get her back. I called and gave her every reason why we should be together, that didnt work. I called her up and cried for hours and that didnt work either. Luckily she still remained a very good friend and did not tell me just to screw off or anything. Then for a month a didnt speak to her and sh called me up a few days ago. but i blew it because i started talkin about any chance of us and we got into a argument, she still didnt want to be my gf she was happy with her current bf. I want to know how do I get my ex back. it seems if i do not show any caring twoards her, she starts to like me. So should I just not talk to her and act like i dont care acout her anymore and go from there?

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boyfriend i think you need to get over this girl he obviously doesnt care about you anymore and so you should just move on and i know that out there is another girl for you i advise you to take small steps like getting up and getting out and try to do something that would take your midn off of her i know these things becuz im very smart (sorta) and ive had alot of experience in love before

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