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Discussion Topic. Dumper // Dumpee


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Hi all. We have all been in the position of dumping someone as well as being dumped.


We have all been in the position of an ex who we dumped wanting us back as well as wanting back an ex who dumped us.


We are all the same. Were all people.


So if we were to look at someone who dumped us and what we did (felt) to get them back. Comparing this to someone who we dumped (felt) and what they did to get us back, Perhaps we will see a commonality in both perspectives that will help others.


Whats your story from both sides and what did you feel ?

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Well when I was the dumper...

I felt guilty. I kept thinking...the poor guy he'll be so crushed. Well he wasn't, but my ego made me want him back.


When I was the dumpee...I felt like the biggest loser.


So I guess the commonality...either way I'm way too self-absorbed.

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4 answers - interesting perspective.....


I think there's a valuable lesson here somewhere.


When I was the dumper - I felt annoyed and over it. That's why I ended it. When he tried to get me back- I felt guilty and sad for him but still annoyed.


When I wa dumped - I felt shocked and couldn't get over it. I would've done anything to get the life I'd had back. I called, I stopped by, I was quite annoying actually....


So... commonality?? Hmmmm....I guess the whole thing is irritating, isn't it?


No, really, I guess the commonality for me there is that I am led by emotions and have a hard time seeing things from any other perspective than the ego-centric one. Sort of as Weeblie nicely put it, quite self-absorbed.

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