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7 days to go.. me update


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2 More Days!!!


Day after tomarrow, I should be at the hospital having a new baby. In just 48 hours my journey should be complete. Then starts a new journey.


My life is about to change forever and I couldnt be happier or more nervous! Say a prayer for me if you pray. Keep me in your thoughts.


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You are in my thoughts and prayers! I'm sooooo excited for you! I'm sure you're a bit anxious with the thought of the csection and having your two boys plus the addition of an infant.


You will do wonderful! God doesn't give us more than we can handle!


Hugs and prayers! Please check in when you can but make sure you get your REST!

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Thank you for your support everyone!


Hubby started his vacation today. So that we can be good and ready for wednesday. he will be home till next tuesday and i swear I could go in labor just watching him run around...


He is used to working and doesnt know what to do with himself. He can not sit still.... Right now he has our bedroom torn apart just to vaccum etc. Sure, it should be done we will have a newborn to bring home soon so have fun I told him.


Im here doing laundry, figure less im on my feet right now less chance to go in labor right? haha... Likely story..


Anyways, Im a bundle of NERVES let me tell ya.


Last night I had a dream about her. The doctor was holding her and she had hair. Not much okay, and of course I couldnt see her face. Hubby was saying is she BREATHING? and doc said yes she is...


Then I woke up... why cant dreams like that last longer?

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This is me about a month ago, so I am a little bigger since then. Set to have her in the morning so I wont be prego for long!!! This is me =-)




Soon this photo will be be replaced by a BABY photo!!!!!!! Wooooohooooooo!!!!!!!




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