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7 days to go.. me update


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I had another checkup at the doctors today. I am 37 weeks and 5 days along. All looked good and CSection is scheduled for next wednesday, in seven days.


The doc did another ultrasound and the she looks to be about 6 lbs 11 oz and he said that we can expect her to gain another half pound putting her to 7 lbs roughly in another week.


I cant wait to see her and hold her and count her fingers and toes!


We have been busy washing all her clothes and doing last minute things to get ready. Like, I realised that i had no infant tylanol in the house so I went out and bought it, also a brand new medical type kit that has thermometer, nasal aspirator, finger nail clippers, file... medicine dropper etc. I feel better knowing at least that is on hand.


The doctor went through all the possible problems that can happen with the surgery. All this stuff that he has to tell me about and freak me out Like, he said that 3 in 1000 or something, this being my 3rd time of it that there could possibly be damage to other organs that are near there...(bladder intestines etc)


Oh trying to think happy thoughts, he has to tell me that stuff... doesnt mean it is going to happen. So keep me in your thoughts. I sure am hoping I dont go into labor.


The other day I felt strong contractions and even started to watch the clock. Three within an hour and then they stopped. I did tell the doctor that and he said that is okay and I could have 100 contractions in the next week so long as I dont go in labor! Geez thanks doc..


I plan to get my tubes tied, going to 'fix' me so that I wont have anymore babies after this. Im really looking forward to freedom. Not to worry about it ever again in my life. So having just turned 29, it will be protection free sex for me and husband from now on! woooooooooohoooooooooo At the same time, its like closing a door forever. There wont be anymore, its bittersweet.. Kinda makes me sad too.

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Yeah, the doctor told me that he didnt advise me to have anymore babies. This is my third CSection and really he freaked me out.


I mean, I have heard of women having more than 3 CSections.


Then I get to thinking what IF... .something happened.... What IF in Five more years I am thinking and really wanting another baby... The IF's are killing me. But then, three is enough right? I have two healthy boys, soon to have a daughter too. I should be happy and grateful to have the babies that I do have and accept it right?


He keeps asking me if I still want to have my tubes tied, and I said yes, if its still a girl. He assures me that if by some great mistake this is a boy he wont do it.... not until he is really sure I still want it.


He also told me today how permanant this all is. That it can not be looked at as something I can go back and change later. UGH why cant I just deliver like normal !!!!! Then I wouldnt need the CSection =-(







When I had my oldest son, nine years ago... I was 14 and a half hours into labor and barely 4 centimeters dialated. My water had not broken and they were saying I wasnt progressing. So they gave me an epidural the doc said to relax me and hopefully speed things along. He also broke my water as that hadnt happened yet. Within 30 minutes of that no joke... my blood pressure started dropping and I was throwing up and violently shaking. I told the nurse that something was wrong with me.. I was crying I was so scared.


Well Im told I almost died. Its all hazey from there but I remember buzzers going off and themn giving me meds to boost my blood pressure and it not working. I remember thinking that I would die right then if I closed my eyes. I remember trying to look around and being to weak to move. They had to do an emergency CSection and I was in touch and go for days while they stablelized me...


so this doc, isnt the same doctor as the first time and He said that sometimes its whats called labor intollerance and didnt advise me to even try naturally. He said if he had to give odds I had a 60 percent chance of the same thing happening again. So anyways thats my horror story.

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If you are unsure, why not go for a copper IUD? They are long term (5-10 years depending on brand), no remembering pills and even more effective than the pill (with perfect use), and you can always remove it if you decide you do want another without worries.

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Wow! 7 days.. won't be long now.


Just wanted to throw my 2cents in about the tubes tied thing, you can have it reversed say 5 or 6 years from now if you do want say another child. My gf had hers tied two years ago and she underwent the reversal process in the beginning of 2006 and she's 5 or 6 months pregnant now. It isn't a death sentence Although with your history of C-sections it might be alittle bit riskier doing or as OP's have siad you could always look into getting the IUD or something to that affect.


Anyway stepping away from the bad subject on to the good.. Congrats!! and I know you can't wait for that day to come. It's bittersweet for me and I really miss being pregnant.

Here's to hoping you don't go into labor (wow! never had to say that to anyone, LOL) and you have a easy and safe c-section.

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Thing is though the doctor recomends it. In fact, he told me when I mentioned that I wanted to have a 3rd baby that it should be it. With every CSection my risks increase. Risk of infection, risk of it not healing right, risks of bleeding during the operation dangerously, risk of damage to other organs.


So, since they are the doctor, and I will have 3 kids.... I just have to make peace with that I think. Last thing in the world I would want is to have another baby even though I love my children and end up something going majorly wrong and leaving my kids with no mom.


In addition, I do also have to think about the possibility of being a single mom. Sure, I love my husband but there are no promises in this life. Anything could happen leaving me to fend for the family alone. I have been there before with one child and having three... wow thats almost my greatest fear lately. So adding more to that would probally be selfish and not smart.


Just having trouble making peace with what I know is probally the best thing to do.

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OMG I have a stretch mark!!!


It looks like a pink lightning bolt has ripped accross my lower stomach.


This really sucks ](*,)


I had them on my boobs , but hey thats not something everyone sees...


But my stomach??? DAngitall!!!


When she gets older Im going to tell her its all her fault. Mama always said I would have a daughter to make me pay for everything! *sigh*

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SEVEN days and counting....wow...


I wish you all the luck in the world! I'm going to be going to be thinking a whole lot about you until you heal up and can update us, it will feel like an eternity, I'm sure.


I think you're definently thinking the right way about having your tubes tied...only you can really decide what to do but all those concerns you have are so valid and well, responsible to be thinking like that. My sister-in-law is going through the same thing, she's had 4 and doesn't THINK she wants any more but is putting off getting her tubes tied.


Good luck with your decision and my thoughts are with you all the way!


I can't wait to hear all the details about your new baby girl.

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yeah thats the thing about having my tubes tied. Really somewhere inside I know its the right thing to do. It doesnt mean its easy, or that I will like it. But I simply HAVE to think of the children I already have and what is best for them.


Soooo going to have it done, and I may look back but wont change it later. Besides, if I feel the need to have more babies, there is allways plenty of babies and children in the foster care system that want a loving family to shelter them from the rain.

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Alot of women go through those feelings southerngirl. But they do it in menopause. If you look at it that way, you are getting that crisis overwith. Women even in their 50's start to get upset about never having children again, even though at their age they likley wouldn't do it anyways. Its totally normal to worry about not having more children. Everyone goes through it. You are just doing it earlier. Maybe its better that way! You will already be though part of the mental anquish when you go into menopause!


If completley necessary, you can actually get the surgery reversed. It's not common, but not impossible. Unless you are getting a hysterectimy (sp?) which it sounds like your not.


This is the best thing for you right? Don't worry, focus on the positives, like worry free sex for life! woooooooohoooooo is right!

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About your tube-tying... I haven't educated myself as much as I should on your position, but would you not want to try any other form of contraception? Either way, I agree with Scarew in that you would be shortcutting a process that brings many women stress, but at the same time, I think you will still undergo the hormonal changes of menopause decades later (hopefully), which is never fun!

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Five days!!!! Im so nervous and excited!!! I just was thinking that, in five short days I will be able to look in her eyes.


My husband is becoming a nervous wreck too... He is freaking out because I will have to stay in the hospital while he tends to the other two kids. I told him maybe it will give him a chance to miss me.... heh....


Wont be so bad, the plan is that on Wed, he can stay with me all day... and Friday too.. His mom will keep the kids at night if he wants to come spend the night there with me, and she has to work thursday.


But that one day is freaking him out lol... If all goes well they should let me outa there on Friday, so I will come here to let you all know how Im doing =-)

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Bah! (jealous)


I wish I only had 5 days left. Im not even 4 mos in and am already tired of being pregnant! Mostly cuz the morning sickness will NEVER go away though. Your hubby sounds cute! It will be good for him to have mommy in the hospital. You HAVE to come back and show us pics! You get your little girl awwwwwww your little princess!


I think BTR is next right?

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