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Fetal movements, how often?


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I'm almost 19 weeks and i still haven't felt my baby move


I didn't think you could feel your baby move as early as you have, are you sure it wasn't gas?


if you are really worried i would call your doctor/midwife just to be on the safe side


Yah there is a big difference betweeen gas and fetal movement. Sometimes I can feel the it move in my uterus but the pressure/vibrations go right down to my cervix. Definetly not gas. But I think I have been feeling it particularily early so don't worry that u haven't felt it yet. Doctor says its probably because my tummy was in good shape so its easier to feel. Not to say that if you don't feel it your tummy isn't i good shape! Its just a generalization. You will feel it soon

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Well Im not that worried anymore because he is jumping around again all the time. Definetly alive in there


I dont know what I am having yet, I just refer to my baby as a "he" because its what comes out of my mouth. But I had a dream it was a girl, whatever that means. We are probably going to wait to find out the sex. It doesn't matter that much to me, but my husband really wants to wait. So we probably will. I have an ultrasound scheduled after 24 wks (thats when you are allowed to find out up here) so I can find out if I want, but we will probably just tell them not to tell us.

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I dont know what I am having yet, I just refer to my baby as a "he" because its what comes out of my mouth. But I had a dream it was a girl, whatever that means. We are probably going to wait to find out the sex. It doesn't matter that much to me, but my husband really wants to wait. So we probably will. I have an ultrasound scheduled after 24 wks (thats when you are allowed to find out up here) so I can find out if I want, but we will probably just tell them not to tell us.


I'm not going to find out the sex either. Personally, I'm impatient and I'd love to know now. But people (most importantly my mother) insist that you're ruining a special surprise and a beautiful moment if you find out in advance. So whatever, I'll go along with that (I don't see what the big deal is).


At first I wanted a girl. So I convinced myself that it was a boy, in order not to be disappointed. Now I will be really surprised if it's a girl!


Do you think you have any preference?

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Yah I think I want a boy but don't want to be disappointed. I won't be though. I want a girl eventually so I know I will be happy either way. My grandmother had 3 girls, my one aunt had 3 girls, the other had one girl, who is now having a girl soon, and my mother had 3 girls, then finally, one boy. Similarily, my father had 3 girls, with 3 different women. My lil bro is the only boy in my family for miles. So I think thats why I want a boy. The thought of my husband with a little girl is so adorable though. And of course as a woman you want a girl one day so you can have a little friend.

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I remember being 16 weeks and not feeling specific movements, more like a rolling. My mom told me it was gas, but eating Mexican food definitely provided different results. I knew it was my baby moving around. When I was probably around 18 weeks or so, I stopped feeling him move. My doctor brought me in right away for an ultrasound and I could see him punching me... LOL! Apparently, my placenta had grown in the front of my uterus, so I wasn't feeling his wimpy little punches as much as I should have, and since he wasn't rolling as much anymore, given the lack of space, I couldn't feel that rolling sensation.


I found that drinking extremely cold water did the trick every time. I actually drank extremely cold water and a decaf Frappuccino to give him a sugar buzz on the advice of my sonographer right before my 20-week ultrasound and he was flying all over the place. Made it hard to see his man-parts, but he spread 'em just in time. After my sonographer told me that, I drank ice water all the time so I could feel him moving. So funny.


Also re: the bath thermometer: I have a little rubber ducky with a thermometer attached to it's butt that shows what the temperature of the water is. I still use it every time my son gets a bath.

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