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Ever feel like your so alone? like u may never find true love again?

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I swear the last week, I felt like doing absolutely nothing. Just sit in my house all day and waste time. It made me realise just how lonely I am. I try to go out and meet people, but it has gotten SO OLD. Partying doing the same old thing on the weekends, just isnt for me anymore. Meeting guys who just want to get in my pants, and myself allowing them to take advantage of that. I mean I am 20 and I know that I have a long time to get married and settle down. I should be happy to spend my early adult years single right? WRONG! I mean I have learned to accept that I should be happy being by myself. Truth is, I do feel comfortable being alone, I just prefer to have someone to go to sleep with at night. Someone who I can tell my problems too, and for someone to make me feel so special. Someone to love.


I had that once, and I pushed im away. Now hes happy and in love with someone else, and I was too young and stupid to realise what I had wen i had it. Now all I feel is anger and bitterness toward him and his gf....who are still together after a year. I just wanted to experience college alone and meet new people. Turns out I became my own worst enemy and pushed away the only guy who ever really cared about me. Makes me feel even more alone. : )


I just want to find new love again. Why is it so hard to find love? Ive dated so many guys the past year, and not one of them has shown that they cared. I feel like I will never love again, that I don't deserve to be loved. I know people say love comes when U stop looking for the perfect person. Well I dont see how thats possible. I will secretly always yearn for that kind of special connection wiht another person. It makes me miss the memories i made with my ex...which makes me more pathetic since hes with someone else. Anyone feel this way? Like ur all alone, regardless of the friends and family u may have...like it feels like its just not enough?

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I do indeed. I had a chance in my last year of high school to actually date some girls interested in me. But I had no success last year, I decided to quit for a while. Then 3 good oppurtunities present themselves, and I didn't do anything. Now it's been a 1 1/2 since that has happened and I'm regretting deciding I wanted to be single in college. I have lots of friends now and family who care for me, but it still doesn't feel enough. I know how you feel. The loneliness can really get to you.

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It's true that "love comes when U stop looking for the perfect person" like you said. Besides...not everyone ends up finding The One.


Look around you, I am sure you've got happy single friends. And look at the couples around you, not all of them are happy. Important thing in life is to be able to appreciate the present.


So you are single, that means you have opportunity to find a better person. You said you feel comfortable being alone, that means you are independent. And you are special, you don't need someone else in order to prove that.


Instead of looking for love, concentrate on study or work. I am sure when the time is right, fate will bring you surprises.

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There are years of wonderful and unpredictable opportunities in your future, 20 is still so young.


Not that that makes the pain and loneliness you are experiencing now any better, I get that. But try and have some hope. There are countless guys out there, you just haven't met them yet.


I have spent so many days and weekends, weeks completely alone, in that limbo between extreme loneliness and not wanting to talk to anyone because I have nothing to say. I know it sounds contrary, but enjoy them while you can. They will come to an end whether you like it or not. This is your time to get to know yourself before your next life stage maybe.


It's so hard to try and repond to these sorts of posts without sounding supercilious and smug. I don't think I succeeded!

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Yes, I also feel so alone too..Majority of my friends moved and now its sometimes hard to go out because I don't have really anyone to go out with or hang out with..I try to go out as much as I can, I try not to stay in the house alot but sometimes its hard. I guess its lack of motivation due to not having many friends and being alone alot. Usually I go to the stores, parks, bookstores and pretty much thats about it (yeah I know it sounds lame)..Sometimes I just go crusing around..I never liked the club or bar scene, just was never my type of thing..Its really so hard when you are alone alot..

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I feel like I won't find true love again. but truth be told, I don't want to find love. I want to make progress in my own life and be happy and I know one day down the road someone will show up in my life. We spend so much time thinking about love but what we really gotta do is press on and improve ourselves and then poof, that person just shows up without you even knowing it. I know we feel lonely at times but it's just that phase. So don't worry about anything, if you feel lonely just come to this site and everyone will do their best to help eachother out

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I think caro is right. I was not single in my early twenties (not for the first three years, that is). But I had a lot of long periods of being alone between my first serious relationship and the current one. I think I learnt most about myself in those times. I had a housemate who was always in a serious relationship and never spent her holidays or weekends alone. My ex was away a lot and we were broken up a couple of periods and I would die inside if I heard my housemate having fun with her bf when I was alone. Until I realized I had a complete library of great books I could read, I had some great music that could accompany me. So I started to read and read, spend more time with my friends, and started to practice more sports. I must say that except for my current relationship, I have never been happier than when I was single and didn't have to worry about relationships. What I am trying to say is that it's worth it to make the MOST out of the time you spend without partner. Being very concerned about meeting potential partners can really cloud your experience of the day that is today. Don't let days pass that you can use to be just happy by yourself. I believe that true happiness is independent of a relationship, it's inherent to your own way of experiencing life.



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