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Hey, I wonder if anyone else has had this problem. I have had this for awhile. I get like dry skin around my areola/nipple area. It gets itchy sometimes and the skin peels, it's also red. I've had this for a few years and I was wondering how to get rid of it, it is very irritating. Thanks!

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Try getting a product called 'nursing cream'.... I know, from the sounds of it doesnt seem like you are nursing...


But these are products specifically designed for this part of your breast, as nursing will tend to dry that area out and cause pain even. Cant hurt you to try this.


Like suggested above, if this doesnt go away see a doctor.

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I was reading up on things for my hands, that's where my worst eczema is, and read that fish oil can improve the condition of your skin. It works from the inside, actually improving the cell structure with the omega-3 fatty acids. I'm more inclined to try that, as topical creams are not really doing as much for the overall improvement but just treating the symptoms.

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