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For my rose


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It was I

Who was gifted with the rose

Blooming and vibrant

Its silken petals soothing to the soul

Fragrance a potion for the heart

The very simplicity of its beauty

Causing Mother Nature's head

To turn in awe


This lovely piece of life

Burrowed against me

Bestowing upon me its love,

Devotion, comfort, and strength

Putting its very self into my hands

No where near perfect

But perfect in every way

Cupped in my hands


Tell me why, then

Did I feel the need

To delve between the petals

Trying to find something better

Moving aside its quiet peace

In a vain attempt to find change

Why did I withdraw the flower from my heart

So I could scrutinize


I am sorry little rose

You have my heartfelt apologies

I wish I could soothe away the pain

But the best I can do

Is pass you to a kinder soul

Praying they will recognize

Your beauty and understanding

Far better than I


Please understand

I don't with to let you go

My tears stain your petals even now

But the life you offer

Has been wasted on me


I pass you on with my thanks

I wil not soon forget my sweet rose

Who bloomed in my sunlight

And nestled against me

If only for a little while


I will whisper a quiet prayer for you

Each night as I close my eyes

To whoever may hear

And grant my wishes


Go well my rose

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