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Sexual Openess Affected By Period?


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Yesterday my girlfriend and I were on the phone, and we started running out of things to say, so I suggested we play "Truth or Dare?" We did, and as the game progressed, we began giving each other increasingly sexual dares, saying that we'd do it the next day. Keep in mind that the first time we had even spoken sexually was the previous day, we were very open, but had our limits. She made up some rules for us to follow, but began to break them herself, saying it was okay for her to break them because she wanted to do those things (or have them done to her). We are in high school, and so after school we were leaving (as we always do) and I asked if we were going to go through with the dares. Shrugged, and said she didn't know, and that if we did, where would we do it. I said we'd find a place, and lightly insisted. She said we sohuld just do it some other time, but then I (we) found a perfect, private place. We started kissing, and I asked if it was okay if it was okay if I started doing the things (not completely sexual, but more than we'd ever done before. Stuff like pleasuring each other and touching each other, but always with clothes on!) She asked if I wanted to, and I said I did if she did, and she said okay. So we started to do those certain things, with the most being her grabbing my penis, pleasuring me. (at that point she was looking away, and I said it was okay for her to look. She took a peek, and we laughed about her shyness.) Then she said we should go, and after a minute or two more we did. My question/problem is this: She said that it was a one time thing, and when I asked if we'd never do it again, she said maybe in four or five more months. We also had a dare about her giving me a handjob later on in the week, but I said she didn't have to do anything she didn't want to, and she said she didn't want to do that. Now, it's pretty obvious that I should let it go and enjoy her, but she seemed incredibly open, willing, and excited to talk about doing those things on the phone. Also, she started her period today, so I don't know if she was just in a bad mood or if she was uncomfortable doing those things today. Your thoughts...?

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A couple of women I've been with, have told me that they sometimes feel gross when they are on their period. Of course it's not true, but they still feel that way.


Your gf could feel her sexiness is being effected by having her period and not want to talk about such things. Additionally she could be having cramps and other things that might affect her willingness to play along.


I say don't sweat it. Just try to be caring to her and know that she's open with you and it's a good thing. Eventually things will get back to normal.

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Its called playing, having fun, teasing. You were playing a game and when you insisted on following through it sounds like she wasn't really into it. It's one thing to be playful on the phone and talking about sex, to actually having sex or doing anything sexual. You shouldn't insist or pressure her into doing anything.


By the way, I'll let you in on a little secret, when men start writing things off as being her period, PMS, or such, it just makes the man look like an insensitive twerp. Women have feelings; lust, desire, without being hormonal.

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a lot of females dont like doing things on there period, i dont. im tired, cranky, achy and just plain blah. most of the time i just want to lay there with his arms around me and chill. i get uncomfortable sometimes too but i can deffinatly talk about it all day, anyone can TALK about it. but when i think about it i get nervous that it wont be "good"... its a chick thing so you wouldnt know what im talking about but all or most of the other girls do!


just let her be AND DONT KEEP ASKING!! i hate that! just chill with her, WATCH(key word) movies, talk, do whatever... but not whatever lol unless she starts it and you KNOW shes comfortable with it.

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Trust me, dude, when a girl has her period one of the last things she wants to do is get down n' dirty with the boyfriend. There are so many other things that come with it, such as feeling really fat, tired, sore etc, that make you just want to alternate between eating junk food and sleeping.


Just take it easy with the girlfriend. Be a nice guy more than anything else, and I promise, it'll come for you. If she trusts you, has faith in you and feels comfortable with you, everything will happen eventually. You guys are still young, don't rush it.

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