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When and how did you become Princess Mensies for the fist time?

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I was recently on my period and it just came to my mind that I've been going thru this freakshow for 12.5 years now...


I remember it was in the morning, before school (6th grade, I was only 11)


I went to the bathroom to take a pee before dressing up and oh man, there it was. A HUGE dark burgundy spot in my kiddy underwear. Looked like someone had shot me or something. It was shocking to see that. I just thought "Not me, not now, life is cruel!!!". I stayed in the bathroom for 20+ minuts. I knew I had to inform mom but I didn't even know how or what to say.


I finally came out and told her. Thank gosh she didn't make me go to school, I was freaking out, I was just a kid.


On a side note, I'd like to mention is freaking amazing how 11 year old boys are still in their little world of Sponge Bob and Spy Kids, while their female classmates are already able to breed. Yikes. I'd vote for girls to start being fertile after they turn 18. ](*,)


***On another side note, I remember I had to start registering the date of the periods in my kiddie FLINTSTONES calendar, that SANTA had brought to me 5 months before! Oh my! Mother nature is one perverse biatch... Underage kids are not supposed to be able to make more kids. That's just wrong honestly.

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I never thought about that fact that these tiny children can have babies and the boys are still playing with frogs


Let's see, I was also 11 and in Grade 6. Got home from school, used the washroom and nearly freaked out because...the gigantic stain wasn't in my underwear.


It had gone ALL THE WAY THROUGH MY JEANS. I checked over and over and was positive that you couldn't tell from behind. I was just flipping out that I'd left a mark at my desk though. I didn't .....but....


Now that I'm thinking about it, the kind janitor might have taken care of that issue when we were all gone for the day?????

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I started at age 12 and thought I was dying.


I had no idea why I would be bleeding, and it was awkward discussing it with my mom because she wouldn't say why, just said it was normal.


Once I knew why I was, I really like my period, because it makes me hopeful for a very large family in the future.

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As early as age 11,two months before entering the 6th grade. To make matter worst, I was home alone at the time while my parents went grocery shopping. I was sitting down in my room, watching t.v., mending my own business when all of the sudden I felt a liquid coming out. At first I simply thought it was just cum/lubricant. So when I went down to check what was on my boxer and instead of cum, I saw a darkist brownish-reddish spot, I immediately went to the bathroom. Boy when I saw blood instead, I was freaking out, I didn't knwo how to react or what to do, I was kid anyways, not even a teenage. So for the meantime I try putting just paper towers on me.


When they got home, mom explain me it was aprt of my normal bodily functions, otherwise I would be reproducing every month and dad say it was normal.




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I got my first period when I was 13. I was out on a field trip where I was running around with the other kids. I was wearing white cargo pants and I went to the bathroom and looked down and saw dark brown all through my underwear. I thought I had my pants, so I cleaned it up and carried on playing. A bit came through my pants, but I don't think anyone else saw.


When I got home I realised that it was coming out of my vagina, I was actually relieved because I was under the impression that it would be gushing out of me like a waterfall.


I didn't tell my mum, but somehow she found out after a couple of months. Mothers always know what's going on.

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I was 10 and the doctor said we should celebrate because he was scared of me growing so tall I'd never stop. I was close to 6' at that point, and just grew a few centimeters (a bit over 6' now).


I compensate this early start by having Mirena spiral now


No periods for a couple of years, and I actually miss them! It's just the 'sign' of life from down there I miss. Not the pain, worries about red spots on light jeans, etc.



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I was 13 and at a sleep over at my friend's house. I was one of the later starters, and all of my friends got theirs at 11 or 12, and so I was actually waiting for mine and was excited when it showed up! (little did I know...


I played it cool when I got it so my friend wouldn't know it was my first... and then I remember the next afternoon my dad picked me up from her house, and I wanted so badly to tell someone... but I was too embarrassed to tell him, so I waited until we got home and I ran in and told my mom. She gave me a big hug and drew a hot bath for me, and then we had spagetti for dinner (my favorite) and curled up in her bed to watch movies!


Hard to believe that was 18 years ago!

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I was 11 also, i believe, so that makes it now 18 years ago...Yikes!

I was in school & I saw a big red spot in my underwear. So I put lots & lots of toilet paper, because, I, of course was not prepared for this! I didnt freak out because I knew what it was. I went home that day & told my mom. Within the hour I had relatives calling me to congratulate me on "becoming a woman", even male relatives. It was kinda embarrassing, actually.

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I was 9 and I remember it well I was visiting a friend of my moms who had just had a baby in the hospital and we were sitting in the waiting room waiting to go back when I stood up I felt a gush, thought nothing of it but when I went to walk my mom pulled to the side and was like "you have something on the back of your pants" we went to the bathroom she explained it all to a nurse who brought me one of those thick hospital pads that I had to wear and we rushed home. I was totally freakin out because I was 9 and my parents haven't had the "talk" with me yet so I had no idea girls bleed so I kept asking them, am i gonna bleed to death? then after it became routine so yeah..

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17.5 years of age.

Explanation - due to deliberately torturing myself through starvation, and later a diagnosis of PCOS.


I have only had about 12 periods in my life. And I'm hoping to eventually come off birth control and stop it again with a nice low BMI. Or I'll cure my eating disorder....argh, I hate my head. But seriously, they are disgusting. What GIVES, whats the point? (I know, I got an A* in Biology, but you know what I mean).

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I was 11 and in the 6th grade. I had stayed home from school that day because I was sick, and I went to the bathroom at one point and noticed that I was bleeding. I called for my mom and she told me I had gotten my period, and she gave me a pad to wear. I remember putting it on and it felt really weird. I was waddling around the house like a penguin because there was this huge bulky thing between my legs! I refused to use tampons because I thought they were gross, plus my we never had any in the house. When I started using them, my mom figured out that I had started having sex, haha. I remember sitting at the kitchen table with my mom and she's on the phone with my sister going "Yea! She's using tampons now! Hahahahaa." embarrassing!


Thank god I was home sick because I would have been in the middle of French class if I had been in school that day. I wouldn't have known what to do.


Later on I got flowers from my Aunt and I was confused because I didn't think it was something to celebrate. It was painful!

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[why am I reading this thread....I'm bored at work]


All this feminine angst over something that ulitimately,after one becomes sexually active, is rather pleased to have arrive (unless, of course you are actually trying to conceive)


An old g/f told me that if there were more female scientists then for sure they would have come up with a solution to better minimize and control "Aunt flow"


ps I have actually been sent down to the drugstore to buy tampons and whatnot - more than once even. I've gone, not enthusiastically, but I've done it. Usually I try to bring an empty box with me so as to get the right kind/shape/size/brand etc (discovered that trick the hard way)

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I can't believe some of you were so young. I was 13 and I thought I was the only one around to get it so young. None of my friends admitted it until we were about 15.


Does the increased risk of breast cancer scare anyone who got theirs early?


No, not really. It does not run in my family and I was simply too big for my age-- I grew faster than my peers-- a LOT.


But like all women should, I try to check my breasts weekly. Not all things can be prevented, sadly


Anyway, I think I am worried most about my fertility. Like Antilove, I suffered from eating disorders, from 15 to 18. I didn't have any periods for two years, but got them back regularly when I gained back the necessary weight. But alas, I will know that when we will start trying and should not worry about that now...



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[why am I reading this thread....I'm bored at work]


All this feminine angst over something that ulitimately,after one becomes sexually active, is rather pleased to have arrive (unless, of course you are actually trying to conceive)


An old g/f told me that if there were more female scientists then for sure they would have come up with a solution to better minimize and control "Aunt flow"


ps I have actually been sent down to the drugstore to buy tampons and whatnot - more than once even. I've gone, not enthusiastically, but I've done it. Usually I try to bring an empty box with me so as to get the right kind/shape/size/brand etc (discovered that trick the hard way)



I dont know why but your post made me laugh, especially the last part about getting it right.

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I ran in and told my mom. She gave me a big hug and drew a hot bath for me, and then we had spagetti for dinner (my favorite) and curled up in her bed to watch movies!


Wow, no offense but I thought that only happened in Kotex TV commercials...


I was waddling around the house like a penguin because there was this huge bulky thing between my legs!


When I started using them, my mom figured out that I had started having sex


I went exactly thru that as well !!!

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Glad I could make you laugh


Yeah, buying tampons etc is tough enough for a guy, try having to go back to the store and line up at customer service to return them 'cause you bought the wrong kind! Now that's love n' devotion!


That is so adorable. I'd love to have a guy do that for me.

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Wow, now I feel great!!!!!!!!

I thought I was mildly heroic by doing that but now I feel [insert smiley face of guy feeling very proud of himself and a little self-esteem boosted]


Hey can I use some of you posting girls as a reference?



Of course you sexy seeeexy hero, just ask!

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Aww, the whole tampon thing reminds me of Miss Congeniality 2...This is a job for a real man! Janet like the ones with the little flowers...


I was in 8th grade, and it was my mom's birthday...some birthday gift it was when I came in and asked her for a pad (I was well informed about things...)!!! Nobody made a big deal about it, and that's the way I liked it.

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