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ladies, facial hair or no?


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Just looking for some opinions here. my ex gf hated any facial hair on me, it grossed her out. my current gf LOVES it, i mean she LOVES it a lot, i got the full deal, side burns, mushtasche, the whole nine yards and she loves it, just looking for opinions, what do you think of facial hair? turn off or turn on?

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Depends on the guy. Some look better with, some without, and some look better with certain styles/quantities than others.


F'rnistance, without a mustache and goatee, my husband looks like he's about 15, so that facial hair will be staying right where it is.


My bf too. He has a full beard that is clean cut and he looks great with it. When he shaves completely, I feel like a pedophile... even though he is 31!


So I think it depends on the girl.. but also the guy! I've also dated guys whom I preferred to be clean shaven, depending on their facial structure and how clean they kept facial hair.

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As a guy, I don't like facial hair at all on myself. My 'girl' friends don't like it either, however I know people that love it. However it has to be neatly trimmed.


Actually I don't like any excess hair. As soon as there's hair touching my forehead, I cut it really short. I only have coarse hair on my chin and under my lip so that's shaven everyday.


Personally, asians + facial hair = ewww.

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wow, good responses. i feel my girl may be an oddity then cuz she likes my facial hair to be full and bushy, i mean the whole package, hairy neck, chin, no trimming at all. i have never met a girl that likes it like that. i shaved one time when we first started dating, she told me to NEVER shave it again lol. personally i do not like it, i just keep it for her. she says it gives me a macho kinda look that she likes. weird huh? as long as she likes it.

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I absolutely love facial hair. I also love older guys so it if they have facial hair they look older too. I'm not talking like a ZZ Top beard or anything but, I don't like really clean cut facial hair either. I like full beards just not really long ones. And having just a mustache makes guys kind of look like dads or cops...I wouldn't want to date either.

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