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I don't get these stupid games girls play, what is this?

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I met a girl online a few weeks ago. We talked on AIM and later on the phone. We met only a week after talking at a bar/restaurant and it went great. We even made out that same night. We continued talking and SHE CALLED ME often, more so than I! Anyway, last week she kept inviting me to go out with her and her cousins this Friday night, because they were visiting from out of town for her younger sisters sweet sixteen which was the next day. This was the second time I would be seeing her in person. So I went and things went well. Weird thing...is that her cousins parents came along, becaue they too wanted to see the city. Anyway, we still kissed and she hugged and kissed me alot throughout the whole night. She wouldnt let me go...anyone with half a brain could see this girl was all over me.


I called her the next day and she didnt pick up. I didnt here from her the whole day. This is werid because I was use to talking to her everyday. I figured it was that she was really busy because that day was her sisters sweet sixteen etc. She finally did call me back at 12am but I missed her call. I called her today and she picked up. SHe sounded a little cold, I told her I was just calling to say hello because I hadnt spoken to her and she was like "hat for a day?" I told her to call me later and she said ok, which I found weird becuase she usually wants to stay on the phone. But her family that is visiting is still there, so maybe thats why?


Am I putting too much thought into this? I mean, she hasnt called back and its been hours. I hate this. Is she playing games or do I just need to relax?

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No it sounds kinda weird to me. Instead of driving yourself crazy over it for days just talk to her about it. It's the best thing to do. Get it all out in the open and find out the real issue or if it's all just in your head.


So it is weird? I figured she was just busy with her sisters sweet sixteen. I even had a girlfriend of mines call, with an unblocked number to she if she picked up her call and she didnt. She told me today that it was because she was really busy for that day.


Any more opinions?


and Yvette, why exactly do you think its weird, just curious....

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No it sounds kinda weird to me. Instead of driving yourself crazy over it for days just talk to her about it. It's the best thing to do. Get it all out in the open and find out the real issue or if it's all just in your head.


plus, if I tell her about this...she might think I am too attached or thinking too much, she might get freaked out

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So it is weird? I figured she was just busy with her sisters sweet sixteen. I even had a girlfriend of mines call, with an unblocked number to she if she picked up her call and she didnt. She told me today that it was because she was really busy for that day.


Any more opinions?


and Yvette, why exactly do you think its weird, just curious....

what sounds weird is how she went from being super clingy to acting cold. Yeah so she might think you're being clingy but oh well. You should be able to talk about ANY issues together. Or what you could do (which I think is the best idea) is give her time, if she keeps this up even when she's not busy and still acts offish then you KNOW you're not being paranoid! and you can bring it up. But if she goes back to normal then you don't have a problem anymore, so either way waiting will probably be the best bet.

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she could be having a bad day. is there any reason she would be ticked at you? Just give it a few days. see what happens.




its not like she was mean over the phone today. Some might say she wasnt even cold. Its that she was too easy to let me go and she didnt sound as excited to hear from me.


It's too soon to take it personally. She might be having a bad day like Annie said. She might even be a bit premenstrual. It happens. Don't take it personally.

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Why don't you just wait and see what happens when all those people that are visiting are gone and she is back to her old routine??


Sounds like she is just a bit too busy for ya now and the last thing you want to do is come off as "needy" so be a good bf and go do your own thing for awhile. Take advantage of her being busy to get some things done, like catch up with your buddies......


Once all is back to "normal"-- if she is still "cold" towards you--then I'd worry.

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Of Course She Could Do That Silly


She Has Made The Decision Not To


She Probably Does Want To


Most People Enjoy Things When They Want To, Don't Worry Or Fear Anything


Maybe She Is Just Not A Phone Person


I Prefer Face To Face So Maybe She's That Wayt To


I Kinda Get Bored On The Phone


And If She Hadn't Spoken With Me In A While, It Probably Would Help To Just Call When She Knows I Am Not There And Leave A Message


Then Guess What


Ball;s Backl In My Court


Crap - Delete This Post

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I just spoke to her on AIM. She instant messaged me and told me she was sorry she didnt call. She said her phone was low on battery and she just wanst in the modd to talk to anyne. I Played it cool and told her I will call her tomorrow. She said she doesnt feel like talking. And I sai, if you dont want to talk to me, its cool, just let me know, I value honesty. She said it had nothing to dow ith me and that she would tell me. We left it off that I will call her tomorrow during my lunch break. But most of the IM wit her was wit her saying "ok" to everything....


maybe she is PMS?


what do you guys make of this....should I believe her when she said everything is fine?

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yeah, I think so. just give it time, don't push her. don't get freaked out either. believe her when she says it's not about you. it's possible that there were some problems with her family this weekend, and everyone reacts to bad news differently. Some want to talk, others, not at all to anyone.

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I just spoke to her on AIM. She instant messaged me and told me she was sorry she didnt call. She said her phone was low on battery and she just wanst in the modd to talk to anyne. I Played it cool and told her I will call her tomorrow. She said she doesnt feel like talking. And I sai, if you dont want to talk to me, its cool, just let me know, I value honesty. She said it had nothing to dow ith me and that she would tell me. We left it off that I will call her tomorrow during my lunch break. But most of the IM wit her was wit her saying "ok" to everything....


maybe she is PMS?


what do you guys make of this....should I believe her when she said everything is fine?

us girls are moody when we PMS so that very well could be it. I mean when I'm PMSing, I am so irritible around my bf and feel like I don't even wanna be around him as much. But when it's over it's back to normal. Maybe you could somehow find out when she is on her period and so at those times you will expect her to act that way and won't take it personally!

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I dont get this chick...I caleld her today like I said and she didnt pick and hasnt returned my call since. THen I go on AIM, switch off to another SN and see her on, when I go back wo the SN she knows is mine, she snot there...which means she blocked me~! Maybe its something else?


what the * * * * could have gone wrong? the only thing I can think of ist hat her family didnt approve of me, becasue that night she was fine and all over me, then that same night, on the phone, she sounded call and hasnt beena round ever since.


it had to be her * * * *ing famil. I got a very snobbish vibe off them.

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I dont get this chick...I caleld her today like I said and she didnt pick and hasnt returned my call since. THen I go on AIM, switch off to another SN and see her on, when I go back wo the SN she knows is mine, she snot there...which means she blocked me~! Maybe its something else?


what the * * * * could have gone wrong? the only thing I can think of ist hat her family didnt approve of me, becasue that night she was fine and all over me, then that same night, on the phone, she sounded call and hasnt beena round ever since.


it had to be her * * * *ing famil. I got a very snobbish vibe off them.


Well she's pretty impressionable then - how old is she. Did anything happen with the family?


On the other hand, maybe they really came down hard on her about 'appropriate' behaviour and leading guys on, and she's really angry and down about her situation. Maybe she's associated you with those bad feelings.


This doesn't sound like games, but like something is happening with her that you just aren't tapped into. You didn't know her well enough to start to know if she ran hot and cold, I assume. Maybe there's a whole lot of problems with the visitors etc that she just doesn't want to share. Could be really personal, I wouldn't push this any harder. You've done the right thing, now leave it in the lap of the gods and see if she comes back (and if you are interested whe that happens).


Sorry though, always tough to deal with this stuff.

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Nothing happed with the family that night, they were actually pretty nice but I felt they were being fake. I just dont understand how that night she was kissing me, hugging me, wouldnt let me go, sleeping on my shoulder and then after she drives home, she is a completely different person. Her family probably said something.


This girl is 18 if it helps. Am I pushing this too much? I called her today, like I planned and she didnt pick up. I caller 7 hours later ( a few mins ago) and she didnt pick up, so I texted her saying to tell me whats up so I can stop wasting my time, was this good?


Should I just waite it out now? On her myspace she use to have a nickname I called her as her display name and she has now changed it to something else.....I just dont get what happened. Did she start thinking that she doenst want me after she went home? Is this possible?


Any more insight/thought as to what can be going on is appreciated!

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Sweetheart I'm sorry but ANYTHING is possible. She could have randomly changed her mind about you, she could have been warned off you because her family didn't like your smell or the suburb you're from. She's young enough to take them seriously and live by their perception.


Many people are just plain weird. The key advice I would give you now is try and forget about this, there is nothing more you can do. No more contacting. I realise not knowing is infuriating but you just can't make someone open up if they don't want to. You can't make them like you, you can't make them not be weird if that's how they're inclined.


I know that doesn't help. But so many of us have all been where you are right now, and I'd be sure that no one will have a positive story of how continued phonecalls/texts/emails turned the tide for them. She knows where you are, do not force this anymore.

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Ummm, maybe she just changed her mind??? Sure she should be nice enough to call you and tell you " hey dude, I don't like you as much as I thought I did--see you later" but sometimes it's easier to just walk away...


She's not your girlfriend, right? I wouldn't call her anymore if I were you. We really can't guess what is going on with her. Too busy, not interested, not interested enough....dating other people...It could be any number of things.


She's got your number. Let it go and date other girls. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

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she wrote me a message on myspace telling me she just felt like things were going too fast and she needed time to think about what she really wants. Which is reasonable. I told her that she should have just told me and that, its fine, that we can remain friends or take things slow, but that its cool.


does this sound normal?


anyway, I am leaving her alone


do you guys think she will come back around?

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