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Stupid, unwanted feelings.


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I hate this feeling.

I didnt really know where to put this.


I was seeing this guy, James, he was fine, nice enough and all, I knew it wasnt going to last in any way, but hes just started ignoring me... I dont reallly mind, its just an ego bruise and I find it very rude, which annoys me but its not keeping me up at night.


However, last week, I played hostess to a guy, Matt, I havnt seen in 5 years. He was my first real bf when I was 15 and we just kinda of fell back into... somthing...

Lust and sex I can handle, feelings I cant.


I really, really like him, and I did think that he liked me too. He was cutting his holiday up north short so he could spend more time with me (He is supposed to be coming back into my city on wednesday)

But I havnt heard from him in days now. I text him questions about this party on the weekend (for illigal reasons I shant get into), but I get no reply.


And this actually upsets me. I dont mean to sound vain, but I dont really ever have a problem with finding guys... but I feel like guys only like me for sex (not that I had sex with Matt).

Now, I KNOW that Im more than that to most guys, all my friends are guys and I love them all dearly, and them me... but Im just in a funk.


I dont know what to do, I havnt called him for fear of looking like a stalker, so I dont know if his phone is off and thats why he hasnt replied.. but I just fee like climbing into bed and never getting out.](*,)


And then I feel pathetic for even caring.


There isnt really a point to this thread, sorry

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Sometimes texts don't always get sent (at least for me so you should try calling. But if he doesn't pick up or call I'd say he's not interested. I hate the way some guys just ignore you instead of saying how they feel it's completely rude and immature. But what can you do other than say, "It's his problem, not mine." ?


Seems weird that he'd say he's going to actually spend some of his vacation time with you and go back on it. Maybe he's busy and couldn't respond? I don't know but you should try calling him. Weird how some people call that "stalking" they're so full of themselves. If he thinks that he's a jerk and you don't need him.

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I will call him later today...

Im getting pretty worried actually as now that I think about it, I havnt heard from him since he started hitchhiking from one city to another...


Edit: AND now I feel stupid... I just called him, hes fine, just stuck in the middle of the coutryside with no credit on his phone....

I dno... He said he'll see me wednesday or Thursday, tho he better make it wednesday as he knows I have taken Thursday off work to spend time with him...

Feeling used... blagghghgh

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