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16 week appointment

muffin cakes

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I went to the doctor's yesterday. I heard the heartbeat again. It was 140 bpm. My uterus is measuring where it should be. Blood pressure is normal ( I had high bp with my son). So all is well. I have an ultrasound in 2 weeks. I can't wait to get a peek at this little one.

Hope everyone else's pregnancy are going well.

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Good ticker! Right where it should be at 140. Mine is 22 weeks and her heart rates are a bit high. Like 150s-170s. Sort of freaks me out. Anyway, guess it's still in the normal range.


You will LOVE the ultrasound!!! I guess then you find out the gender?

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Good ticker! Right where it should be at 140. Mine is 22 weeks and her heart rates are a bit high. Like 150s-170s. Sort of freaks me out. Anyway, guess it's still in the normal range.


You will LOVE the ultrasound!!! I guess then you find out the gender?



My sons heart rate was always 150-160bpm.. No reason to be freaked out by it.


Muffin cakes, that's awesome that everything is looking good. Congrats!

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God Bless...I hope all goes well! I found out last week my sister in law is pregnant and due in May! that wil bring our boy total to 6! (I have 4 nephews under the age of 5, and a grandson who is 3 tomorrow).


Congrats, Rodeo! How exciting!!! I love boys!

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