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********Carb Diet*********

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Just an update... I have lost 15 pounds now, despite the all-you-can-eat smorgasboard of cookies, chocolate and candy that the office was saturated with the two weeks around Christmas (I can say no once, twice, three times, but then *gulp!*).


I really notice a difference. I treat bread as a treat instead of something I eat every day and switched to whole-wheat pasta. I dropped my Pepsi entirely. I'm not hungry all the time anymore and I find I am full with half as much food at mealtimes as I used to eat. (Wow, this diet is saving me money too I find I am less interested in sweet and carby stuff and actually enjoy vegs more. I'm converted!


My mom and dad needed to lose weight themselves and they have tried it for two weeks. Mom's lost 6 pounds and Dad's lost 15. They're both very happy because they're eating healthy and finally losing weight too.

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No i'm not kidding!!


Can we clairfy what we both mean by carbs?


I am thinking - bread, pasta, potatoes....????



There's a diet plan in the UK called Slimming World and they have red or green days. On red days, you have unlimited protein, lean meats etc, and on green days, you have unlimited carbs (pasta, rice - not bread though). So you can eat loads of pasta, but very little protein and still lose weight. My friends mum lost 9 stone (126lb) doing this diet, so it can work!!!


A good example of a meal is spagetti bolognese using veg and Quorn instead of meat. You can have a massive meal and it's still within the boundary's of the plan.

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