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Confused About Guys


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This past June, me and my boyfriend broke up. We were friends before we started dating and were gonna try to stay friends, but both of us knew that it would take time apart. We started talking again as friends in September and things were going good until recently. The past few weeks he's been treating me the same way he did right before we broke up. I've always been the one to do what he's asked and go out of my way to make him happy, but now I'm getting yelled at for being that way. Am I wrong to think that he's afraid of getting too close. I know he's been hurt in past relationships and I'm afraid that that may be causing him to push me away. Our personalities compliament each other so much and I haven't felt right with any of the guys I've dated since me and him broke up. Should I forget about him and let go of everything (including the chance of any type of friendship). What should I do, because I am so confused right now

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i can't say that you should get rid of the friendship entirely. but i do have to say this. you're purpose on this earth is to make yourself happy, and that's it. forget about what he feels, cause it probably won't be important in the long run anyway. it's a hard lesson to learn, but that's what you have to do. when you begin doing that, and trying to get what YOU want out of the relationship instead of just making him happy, you may realize you don't like him that much anyway. Because he might not enjoy you focusing on yourself instead of him. On the other hand, he may like it better and it could save the friendship.... either way, you are at least saving yourself by doing this. if you haven't really been yourself and just tried to make him happy, how are you sure you two go so well together? if you just agree with him all the time, you aren't really complementing, you are just following. and anyway, if all he is doing is yelling at you, does he really complement you that well anyway? so that's the sum of it all... figure out what you want, how you want it and then get it, because you deserve no less. too many women don't do this in relationships and i hate it, because i have been there and had to learn the hard way.

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