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Should interns ask for a raise after a while?

Double J

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I've been working as a part-time intern now at my company for almost a year now. I started there in late January of 2006. The internship was slated to end in late July. HR formally offered me an extension until late December. Today I saw that they've once again offered me an extension until late March of 2007.


I like working here very much, and for an intern, the pay is very good (considering many internships are unpaid). Since i've almost been here for a year, would it be appropritate to ask for a raise (even if it's a small one at that)?


I could use advice from people here who have interned themselves. i'm not sure if it's the norm to give part-time interns a raise, especially since internships are normally temporary. But since this internship's duration keeps growing, I wonder if it would be/would not be appropriate for me to ask.


Thanks in advance

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I dont think interns should ask for a raise. I interned during college, and I was always told it was not good to ask for a raise when youre just an intern. But then again, I've never heard of being an intern for a year...mine was like a few months.


Do you go to U of Miami?

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Thanks for the reply.. I don't attend UM but it isn't that far away.


I agree that most internships are not as long as mine has been. If it was only maybe 3-6 months, asking for a raise would be ridiculous.


But maybe since I've been there almost a year, it's more reasonable.


More opinions welcome

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