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Compliments from cute teller at bank?


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About 3 weeks ago I went to my local bank and noticed a new teller working. Cute gal, seemed like she was around my age (23-25). I had just awoken like fifteen minutes earlier, threw on a random shirt and some gym shorts, and walked down to the bank (so pretty much i looked like garbage). I just wanted to deposit some cash. The cute teller looked at me momentarily, looked down, then did a double-take look and said, "Nice shirt. Where'd you get it?" I was still half-asleep and replied with, "oh, this? ummm... i actually dont remember to be honest." She just laughed and said, "Well I like it." I thanked her, she deposited my money, and that was that. I didn't think anything of it since I'm not used to getting compliments on looks (I look like a big ogre, hence the username, haha).


Couple days later, I went to transfer some money from my account to my friend's and I got the same teller. Same situation: just woke up, threw on some random clothes, hadn't shaved for like 3 days, but added a baseball cap this time. Just a blank green baseball cap. As I waited in line, I noticed she helped the people in front of me with a straight face. When I got to the counter, she began smiling. She then complimented my hat and I thanked her and mentioned its just a plain ol' hat. She transferred my cash and told me to have a nice day.


I mentioned these two instances to a couple of my female friends and they all said it sounded like she was flirting with me.


Now every time I go, I always get another teller but I see the cute teller gal. She never makes eye contact though.


Sound like she was just being nice because of her job or was flirting? If I happen to get her as my teller next time, think it'd be inappropriate to ask her out for coffee as I'm depositing some cash or something along those lines?


Thank you, all.

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Heyyy...i enjoyed reading ur story...she reminds me of what I do at work..hahah...im a serial flirt...but thats another story.


seems to me that she's flirting with you for sure. Possible she finds u cute and is looking for some amusement at her boring job.


I'd suggest u try n talk to her, or show her some more obvious interest before u ask her for coffee so that you'll make it clear you ARE interested. See what her reaction is to your "out of the way interest to talk to her".


In any case, please do give it a shot, and let us know what happens!

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Sounds like she's flirting. I'd flirt back first to make sure she is interested. Here's what I would do. Make two deposit slips. On one put the normal amount. On the second, put your (first) name and phone number. On the "amount", put 50 cents. Go to the bank on a Friday afternoon. Give her one slip, do your transaction, flirt a little, then get ready to leave. As you leave, put the second slip and 50 cents on the counter when she's not looking, and walk away.


(( The 50 cents is a joke. It's so she can "Call you". I doubt she would call you from a pay phone, but it's something to make her smile. ))


That's what I would do. She sounds interested. Just don't say she reminds you of Princess Fiona (in ogre form)!

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Tough to say. She could have just been polite..,making conversation.

I meet dozens of guys a day. I smile, make small talk, talk about the weather....and yes I get asked out on occasion. I politely decline.


As for asking her out....I would wait. Let her get used to seeing you on a more regular basis. I know how uncomfortable it is getting asked out by a customer at work. Especially if she wasn;t flirting. That might put her on the spot.


If this were in a social situation I would say go for it....

For now keep it friendly and professional. See how she reacts over a period

of time.

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I know how uncomfortable it is getting asked out by a customer at work. Especially if she wasn;t flirting. That might put her on the spot.

this is what I'm afraid of. Ive worked with a couple gals that have been asked out to lunch or coffee at work by a guy they thought was cute and that one instance ended up weirding them out to the point that they'd avoid the customer on other occasions. I'd hate to have that happen, especially at my own bank.


So should I just wait to see if I get her as my teller again and stick with the small talk?


Thanks you all for the quick replies

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I smile, make small talk, talk about the weather....and yes I get asked out on occasion.

I wasn't aware anybody asked... Just messing.


She has more than likely done what she does with everyone. The thing with employees of a company or business is they are paid to make the customer feel welcome and important (in some regard). I try to take things like that with a grain of salt unless something is obvious or I feel they wouldn't do or say something they did with anybody else.

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Hmmmm I think small talk is good. it gives you a feel for what the person is like without overwhelming them. Like I said..become someone she is comfortable seeing and talking to regularly........being asked out by a "stranger" is weird. I think getting to know someone in small increments is best anyway. Oh and............big tip: Make her laugh.

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Who cares if she was flirting with you? She obviously showed some interest, smiled at you and made a comment on 2 items that didnt really deserve comments. Shes cute, you already have her attention. Do you really need a girl to start the flirting in order to flirt with her? Make your romantic intentions obvious, with confidence and originality, make her work for it, dont come off as too needy blah blah etc etc whatever just use your own game. However, dont try and make her laugh unless you are natural at it enough to not come off as try hard (just a general opinion). Good luck

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Fisch.............I understand what you mean...but truthfully coming from a WOMANS POV your suggestion would be a complete turn off. It sounds to ME as if the woman in question was simply doing her JOB...smiling, and being polite to the customer. Making him feel welcome and at ease. That's not an invitation to start throwing out your "game"...or making her "work for it". What is THAT supposed to mean?? He said she didn;t even make eye contact with him when he was waited on by another teller......


The poster is free to follow whatever advice he likes....but I vote against THIS advice.

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I'm probably just looking too much into it. I've been out of the dating scene for years and I think I'm just so used to being around my friends who always pick up cute girls that work at places like Starbucks, Footlocker, Safeway, etc...


haha wish i could go back to before the ex-gf when I could get a gal behind a counter to laugh with ease and always had something witty to say to a complete stranger

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Ask her out dude, what's the worst that can happen?? She hits the panic button and the screen comes down and the police turn up??


Prepare yourself for that and any response better than that will be a bonus.


If you want to get to know her... tell her.


Get it?


She's a teller...


So I said he should tell her....



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Ask her out dude, what's the worst that can happen?? She hits the panic button and the screen comes down and the police turn up??

hahaha good point... i'd just hate for things to be awkward if I got rejected then got her as a teller another time since i still go to that bank

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hmmm... i know that i make all sorts of conversation with people at work. but i don't if i feel at all that someone is creepy or unappealing. at the very least she likes your energy/your vibe/your look. she might have thought it was funny that you so obviously had rolled out of bed to the bank. so... it's hard to say. i know in the past being friendly means i get hit on and that sort of sucks. i'd say before you give her your number try some small talk. ask her how long she's been working there and does she like her job. see how talking goes. if it's smooth ask her if she'd like to get coffee sometime. don't do the phone number thing without having had a conversation. that would be weird. only cute if you'd talked a bit and shared a few laughs.

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Well Ill just dive right in then, I usually tend to avoid relationship advice from women when it comes to attraction. This is because I believe that most people dont know what they want, on top of that women are emotional creatures (at least a lot more so than men IMO). Not because they are unintelligent, but because most people are torn between rival instincts, many of which culture supresses. Thus I find that I care more about what they respond over what they say they want (which they usually show to be incongruent with their true desires). But lets not get into the nice guy/ * * * * * * * success rate dynamic. Anyway, LadyBugg i think you are being a little presumptious about my definition of the word game. I meant simply his way of persuing women, that being whatever it may be. Once again I will reiterate... who cares if she was flirting or not, just doing her job or smiling at him but not anyone else for whatever reason. Its not usually in the bank tellers job description to compliment plain green hats, and quiet frankly that is enough to start a conversation despite any of HER intentions. Anyway, if the teller didnt look at him ONCE during the entire interaction I would find that rather abnormal. Even while conversing with a stranger most normal people make fleeting eye contact. As for my "make her work for it" that would be me allowing my own personality to slip gracefully into the post. I dont really see why you are criticizing it seeing as you have no idea what I really meant by it, but you probably have some assumption or negative emotional programming tied to the words "game" and "her work for it" that in your POV would be a total turn off. Granted it is silly for me to put such complex ideas into such a simple post. Basically what I see here is a guy that is trying to find an excuse to approach a girl that he could be interested in, and all SOME people seem to want to discuss is wether she was flirting with him or not. Dont hold back fate posters she could be his next wife!!! Good day lovers in strife

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LadyBugg wouldnt it be best if you dont get so angry? Im interested, do you see it as wrong for a guy to hold high standards for a women to get his attention (make her work for it)? I sincerely hope that you dont become upset when a man makes you work for his attention. From my POV this is a turn off. IMO it reeks of excessive ego. If I wanted to be presumptious now I would say that the attitude I described earlier would probably work on you. Like I said your POV doesnt matter, what works on you does (no matter your gender). People are animals and they cannot help but to respond to certain things in a certain way. Judging from your use of sarcasm and helpful emoticons, I might think that you took my statement of women being more emotional as somehow derogatory. Thats your loss. However, if you are really intent on continuing passive aggressive (or was it direct) posts instead of actually discussing the reasons why you are getting all "emotional" then I would be happy to engage in a new post, but we are postjacking and that just aint cool.

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hahaha good point... i'd just hate for things to be awkward if I got rejected then got her as a teller another time since i still go to that bank


Not saying it is guaranteed not to be awkward, but just go with your common sense. A joke or two can end awkwardness quickly, and you could resume back to friendly chatter.


Maybe drop by a few more times and see if she is putting out a vibe. Flirt a bit. She'll get the idea without you having to ask straight out right away, and you can see if she is receptive.


Hey, you've got nothing to lose except maybe a blush or two.

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thanks ya'allz! i wandered down to the post office today to get some stamps and since the bank is next door, I stepped in. Cute gal wasn't working today, so I just got the guy at the counter to break a twenty into smaller bills for me. if I happen to run into her again at the bank, I'll prolly just shoot some small talk with her, see how she reacts to it.

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I really don't have anything of consequence to add, but that right there...


Ask her out dude, what's the worst that can happen?? She hits the panic button and the screen comes down and the police turn up??


Prepare yourself for that and any response better than that will be a bonus.


If you want to get to know her... tell her.


Get it?


She's a teller...


So I said he should tell her....




...was funny, I don't care who ya are!!!

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aha so i got off of work at 5 and hit the bank. got her as a teller. i was all sexxy lookin in slacks and a polo and i greeted her with a "hey, how ya doing today" and she stared at me, blank expression on her face. I hesitated and stated I just wanted to make a cash deposit. She took my deposit slip, typed in some crap, and I said, "So, hows your day gone so far?" and she didn't reply. I handed her the cash, she counted it out silently, and handed me the receipt. I looked her straight in the eye and said "thanks a bunch, have a good one" and she just nodded. haha oh well

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