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Is it a bad idea to go the strip club with my bf


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He's not going to not look at them. That's why men GO to strip clubs. You don't pay them a dollar for a polite conversation.


There's a difference between looking and "gawking". Gawking is generally considered rude and obnoxious.

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Oh come on guys, its just harmless fun. Of course hes going to gawk & all that. They do that all the time, just simply walking down the street (so do women). At the end of the night, hes going home with you anyways, right?! Just have fun & give him a thrill!


Of course, it just depends on whether one would feel bad about it or not. Some may not.

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here's a difference between looking and "gawking". Gawking is generally considered rude and obnoxious.


I don't really think social etiquette applies in a strip club. If you see an attractive woman walking down the road, a harmless glance is fine, and yes, a gawk would be rude. But if you payed the same woman a dollar to shake her goodies in your face you wouldn't just be giving her a polite smile. Even if you don't want to admit it.

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I don't really think social etiquette applies in a strip club. If you see an attractive woman walking down the road, a harmless glance is fine, and yes, a gawk would be rude. But if you payed the same woman a dollar to shake her goodies in your face you wouldn't just be giving her a polite smile. Even if you don't want to admit it.


Looking: Acknowledge the fact that there's a women in front of you. Smile, no need to hide the fact that you like it.


Gawking: Drop your jaw to the ground, makle gestures, hoot and holler, etc.


Gawking may be fine when your GF isn't around and you are with the guys, but not in this situation.

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well if I tell him I don't want to go he would be fine with it.. so maybe I dhould hold out until I feel totally secure


I agree. It's just a stupid form of entertainment, and definitly not worth creating insecurities and problems in the relationship.


Do you watch porn together? How does it make you feel? If you can watch porn and are cool with him being turned on by the porn stars, then a strip club might be ok. If porn makes you uncomfortable, then real live strippers might not be good for you.


Also, there may be other insecurities. Like for example if you felt bad about the fact that you had small breasts, and then he got really excited by one of the girls with big fake ones, that might bother you.


I got a bit offended because my fiance didn't like any of the girls (he was like, "Oh, she's nothing special.." ) until this black girl came on stage, and he was like, "WOWEEE!!!!".. The thing is that he's black and I'm white, so it's a bit sensitive.


But in the end, I know that he's with me because I'm the one he wants to be with. End of story.

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"he said he would like to go because it would turn him on to see me get a lap dance...what do you think?"

Are you bisexual?? Cuz i'm assuming the only ones giving lap dances at that type of place would be a woman, right?

I don't know. I sure don't want no woman, espcially a half naked one.. gyrating in my face and rubbin up against me!!!

That's creepy to me... to each his own though!

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Hey shoebaby-


I think it's really important to look deep down and see how you feel about it.


Everyone on this board may look at it differently, it may be more hurtful for them to see their SO gawk at a woman, or they may find it offensive.


We are all different in how we will react.


If you feel comfortable with it and are familiar with what happens there, then definitely go for it.


I don't think it makes you bisexual at all to go, I know so many of my friends that go with their bf's.


I myself have never gone with a bf because I know I would get very jealous but that's just me (I wish I wasn't).


If you aren't the jealous type, then I don't see why not.


Hugs, Rose

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Whoa, so many harsh remarks ladies! Is there really anything wrong with one of America's (or Canada's I prefer) great forms of entertainment??


Just kidding, but on a serious note at the heart of the matter is trust. Do you trust your bf's intentions whether it be in a strip club or in the real world? A similar situation came up a few weeks ago between me and my gf (not about a strip club but some naked girls on TV) and after questioning her trust in me I made the statement that "even if I were locked in a room with 50 naked beautiful women, she should trust me that I won't do anything, and this is all that matters." No matter what kind of thoughts or involuntary reaction, those things don't afect what is really important which is my intention. Any type of insecurity in herself is something my gf needs to get over because she is the only girl I have real intentions with and she knows it.


So feel free to go, it's just entertainment.

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I disagree. It's also about values. I do not want to be exposed (pun intended) to an environment that objectifies women and where women perform sexual acts for money while the men leer at them.

This statement is irrevelant to the issue at hand. Your values and view on strip clubs have nothing to do with the dynamics between the OP and her bf.

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I thought it might be fun to go together, he said he would like to go because it would turn him on to see me get a lap dance...what do you think?


I find it interesting and intriging that you are considering this.


It reminds me of my first GF who (without asking me) went and bought 5 or 6 girly magazines and wanted to look through them with me, and she wanted to give me BJs while I looked through them.


My current local platonic women friends and I do like to discreetly watch other women walk by and then my friends like to observe my reactions and hear my comments and opinions, which are likely some mildly naughty, humorous comments, and/or a low moan. My friends know me so well that I could let them just pick out a woman for me. I've gotten to know their tastes in men too since they always tell me when they see a guy they're attracted to. I could probably pick out a guy for each of them.


Well, you might have a lot of fun.

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