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Pain medication during labor: Pros/cons?


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I was dilated to four when I finally said screw this, somebody knock me out. (This isn't a horror story... I think it's pretty typical to labor.) I couldn't believe the pain. I tried to breathe through it and do visualizations and all that bullcrap people tell you helps when in labor and nothing helped. I couldn't believe the pain. The epidural hurt for about 2 minutes, and it hurt quite badly, but it was sooooooo worth it. I took a nap after that.


I think that the absense of pain is the biggest pro. Plus, should you develop complications and need a c-section like I did, you'll be able to get into the operating room a lot quicker if you already have the epidural in your back. However, being able to relax instead of being in an unholy amount of pain before you're actually going to deliver gives you a bit of an advantage as far as resting up before the pushing starts. I tried to push a little bit to get my son to descend (he came out with his feet up near his head, so he was holding on with all he had ) and it takes a lot out of you.


Complications are obviously a con, but you could never know if you were going to have complications - that's just not something you could predict.


I will never do natural labor - it's just not for me. With medical advances being what they are, I just don't see the point - for me!!! - in being in pain on purpose.

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First let me say, I am one of those people who feels no need to experience any more pain than is absolutely necessary.


I had to be induced into labor both times -- and had lots of drugs both times. If they start talking about given you drugs to bring on labor, I would strongly advise you to consider epidurals and anything they are willing to give you in an iv.


In natural labor, your body has time to adjust to the pain and it isn't so bad (did about 6 hours of natural labor with my son), if they induce you, your labor progressed much more quickly than nature intented and it is very intense. In about 15 minutes I went from planning to have natural child birth to begging for drugs.


With the pain medication, I was comfortable (not completely pain free) and could participate in what was going on -- the miracle of having a baby -- prior to getting the epidural it was too much. Both my babies came quickly and both were alert and healthy. My daughter held her head up at 3 days old.


You have to do what is right for you and for your baby -- a mommy that is completely worn out from a painful delivery is not going to be able to enjoy her new bundle of joy quite as much. A mommy that feels guilty about drugs during delivery is also going to be distracted. What my birth coach taught is if your baby is thriving, that is all that matters.

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well i plan to have an 'active' birth which means i want to be able to walk about and give birth in any position i find comfy so a lot of pain relief is restricted for me.


ideally i would like to only have gas and air and use a Tens machine but knowing me i'll have one twinge of pain and i'll be screaming for every drug under the sun.


But one woman at my place of work told me she had an epidural as she was induced and she had back problems for years afterwards which she believes is to do with the epidural.


Good luck


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I used to think "They make this pain medicine for a reason and no person should have to go through birth without it!" Although I can't really imagine going through birth without any pain meds when thinking of the terrible pain, I'd say if you have a high tolerance for pain, you'd be okay.


I was induced for both of my childrens births.

My son - The epidural worked fine, no problems.

My daughter - First off, I think they gave me too much. I could not feel the lower part of my body. They kept telling me to push but I didn't feel like I could even control my muscles! Right before birth, my blood pressure was getting abnormally low. Finally birth and my blood pressure went back to normal. After the pain meds wore off, I had a terrible migraine and got dizzy every time I stood up. The doctors determine during the epidural, they stuck me twice. The first time didn't take, the second time did. The first one left an opening and spinal fluid leakage which caused a spinal headache. I had to stay in the bed for 24 hours after birth and had to have blood drawn from my arm to patch the first opening. Bleh! (Sorry for the details!)


So my stance now. IF I ever have another child, I'd like to go without pain meds but then the memory of the labor pains creep in so I'm not sure.

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I'm opting for a home birth without pain medication.


One of the best reasons I've heard for going natural is that your body releases incredibly high amount of the "love hormone" directly after giving birth. Like about the most it will ever release in your life. (Nature's way of helping you bond with the baby). But pain medication prevents this hormone from being released.


As you said, the baby also gets drugged.


So I'm sure the pain will be horrible (I'm just hoping for no complications!!!) but in the end, I want to live the whole experience.


Having said that, pain medication is safe and I see nothing wrong with taking it.

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When I read these posts, I honestly think going pain-free sounds best. I don't think I have the greatest tolerance for pain, but I'm pretty tough. I can't imagine that I won't be in trouble of sorts, but ... God, when I think about it, there have been times when I got so constipated (GROSS I KNOW) that the involuntary movement of my intestinal tract gripped me and wouldn't let go. I couldn't really breathe or speak, I was just in pain for about 15-20 seconds until it passed. Anybody ever have that? Sorry, but if childbirth approximates the worst episode of constipation I've ever had, I'm nervous.

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lol - Sorry Dilly but your post makes me giggle.....


I don't think it's really comparable though. I remember specifically with both of my children, they wanted me to get up and walk. LOL Yeah right! I couldn't walk or sit or rest in a rocking chair or sit on the birthing ball for the life of me. With my daughter, my blood pressure spiked while sitting in the rocking chair.

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Haha Dilly. It sounds like you're in excellent shape though and I heard that a lot of people have much easier labors if they are.


I agree though, med free sounds the way to go. I had pretty much decided that last night, but then I got news my cousin had her baby. She got an epidural and didn't feel any pain, and it was a great experience for her and both her and the baby are doing wonderful.


SO...if it's there...why not use it...? But isn't childbirth SUPPOSED to be painful..? That's how I think anyways.


My mom did it med free with 2 of her 3 kids (she had horrible complications from the epidural with the first, spinal headaches and all that) and swore it's the only way to go for her. My sister in law did it with all four of her kids, and she was just a baby when she started (16!) and survived, swearing it's the only way to go.


I still have a ways to go, they'll talk about all this at the classes, but I want to be fully "there" for the entire thing. I WANT to know what it's like. Maybe I'm just nuts though. We'll see when I'm actually sitting there pushing an entire person out of my most prized body part.

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My sister had the epidural with her first baby. She loved it and loved life (my BIL took photos of her - they are hilarious). She has such a low tolerance for pain. She was happy with her choice.


My other friend has delivered all three of her darling au naturel. She said it was painful, but not unbearable.


Like the other ladies (and gentelman) have said, each delivery is different and each person responds differently.

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I had the epidural and I would definitely do it again. I was induced.


I was 3-4 cm dilated when I needed the epi, and contractions were coming quickly. Dr. had broken my water already, so my contractions were more painful because there wasn't that cushion of water.


I was perfectly comfortable with the epi and got to enjoy the labor & delivery without being overly tired & in pain. It wore off about 45 mins after delivery. No complications or problems. I tore during delivery, I got cut, and Dr. used the forceps (not due to epidural) and I didn't even know thanks to the epi.

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