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Diet pills, any tips?

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Hey, as the title suggests i am looking into aquiring diet pills in the hope of losing a stone or two...

i dont wanna take loads and not ones that are expensive cos im a student and cant afford it, and i dont want ones that could damage my health long term

any tips?

i heard apple cider vinegar tablets apparently work

Im thinking of going to my doctor about it but i dunno what they will say about it all.

Thanks, Catie x x x

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don't take them



eat well, do regular exercise, lift weights, drink only water ..


you will feel much better and it will be much cheaper


the only thing that WORKS is eating well..


diet (not going on A diet) but what you eat.... lifting WEIGHTS and doing interval cardio on an empty stomach in the morning..


much cheaper and BETTER than some diet pills.


if those pills actually worked we'd all be walking along with fine chiseled bodies.


some of them... all they do is heat you up, so it raises your blood pressure and can give you heart palpitations and sleepless nights.


eat 5-6 small meals a day with a bit of lean protein in each one.

only drink water for a month... see the difference it makes... you will feel good about yourself for working hard and looking good as a result.


good luck!

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Go to link removed and buy some lipodrene - they have ephedra and that hoodia stuff for appetite. They have worked well for me. Although some people have heart attacks on ephedra but whatever. $30 for 100 pills, most people only take one a day - so they last a long time


I go to the gym a lot though and drink those meal replacements for breakfast and lunch most days though too.


If you are unwilling to try any diet pills, like many people, why so quickly assume that "we'd all be walking around with nice bodies if the pills worked." I am not saying you're going to get fast and wonderful results just using the pills, but they can give you that extra boost of energy to get off the couch and start moving. I weighed 250 a year ago, and now I am 190. I worked really hard with exercise and changing my eating habits.

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I wouldn't know where to buy speed and it's probably more expensive than an ephedra pill. Besides, speed isn't known to cause psychosis and brain damage when taken in regular dosages likes ephedra. Psychosis is fun - thinking everyone is out to get you. It's cheaper than a movie and it lasts all day.

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Ephedra is the only thing that is slightly effective. It isn't really worth it considering the negative side effects and very minute results.


Exercise consistently, it works faster than anything they'll ever make in pill form and there are so many other benefits that go along with it. The fat will just fall right off.

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why not go on a clubbing holiday? With dancing until 9:00 in the morning every night... not eating... and popping party favours all night... there's another way to lose some fat.


In all seriousness, don't just think about losing weight.... only think about losing FAT... your body NEEDS muscle to lose fat..


Remember thta 10 pounds of fat takes up waay more room than 10 pounds of muscle... so if you lose a bunch of weight quickly you are probably losing some muscle as well.. especially if you overdo the cardio...


If you really want to take some pills


green tea capsules.... although it is better to drink the real stuff...


apple cider vinegar... put a teaspoon of it in a glass of water in the morning


Dandelion root... CAN help with water retention.


Do you have a friend or partner who you can start a new diet/fitness lifestyle with? This will make it easier for you and will have someone to encourage you along the way..


I hope you reach your goals!

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I tried trimspa out of curiosity. I took it for a week. It made me feel dizzy and sick. I had some bloodwork done after that week and my sodium levels were sky high, which means I had serious dehydration. I did lose about 5 lbs and the second I went off it, I gained it all back. It was just water weight.


I did lose my appetite though because I felt so nauseus.


Weight loss needs to be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.

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I tried trimspa out of curiosity. I took it for a week. It made me feel dizzy and sick. I had some bloodwork done after that week and my sodium levels were sky high, which means I had serious dehydration. I did lose about 5 lbs and the second I went off it, I gained it all back. It was just water weight.


I did lose my appetite though because I felt so nauseus.


Weight loss needs to be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.


Well said.

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I used to take Hydroxycut maybe 6 years ago for about a year or two and lost a lot of weight from it. But then again, it was back when they still had ephedra in the pills so that made it really effective. The pills always made me feel sick afterwards though. I'd get lightheaded, felt like throwing up, or my heart would be racing. I stopped taking them after FDA banned ephedra and they came out with a new formula without ephedra which made it less effective. I ended up gaining all my weight back within a year after I stopped taking them. I also tried out Trimspa and that was a waste of money. It didn't suppress my appetite at all and I didn't see any results. It gave me the same side effects as Hydroxycut but not as severe. That was about 3 or 4 years ago. I joined a gym about two years ago and have lost a good amount of weight since then and got more toned. My eating habbits haven't changed much but I've been able to stablize my weight. So the moral of the story? Save all that money you will be spending on the diet pills every month and join the gym instead. It's the only healthy and safe way to maintain your weight. You can crash diet and take as much of those pills as you want, but sooner or later you'll gain all that weight back and you're back at square one.

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There is no such thing as an authentic, working, healthy "diet pill.


If they were a healthy pill without long term side effects (most of them damage the heart muscle, even if you only take them a short while, only to find years later the damage is done).


Think about it if there were such a thing, there would be NO fat people... none.. if there really was something that was safe and it worked.. you would know about it, heck everyone would know about it.. but the "makers of these pills' just play on the vulnerable heavy set people, that want a "quick fix" to a much deeper issue.. it's like a joke, and it's dangerous.


so instead, take a walk.. walk thirty minutes a day, and in three weeks, you will lose so many inches, your heart will be stronger, you won't have to spend money, and it's a life style change that will get you slim and trim in no time... NO PILL is okay for your body, it just isn't.. It's simply a BUSINESS TO MAKE MONEY BASED ON FALSE HOPE AND NO CONCERN FOR THE COSUMER'S LONG TERM PHYSICAL ADVERSE EFFECTS.. don't fall for it..

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does anyone know of the pill xenical?

its apparently one that can be prescribed to you here in the UK

just wanna know anything about it if anyone knows anything, like side effects, what it takes to get it prescribed?

Catie x x x


Hi there,

I've heard of it; Xenical is *supposed* to flush out all the "fat" in your system. It was like the latest craze here ... last year. Then everyone STOPPED taking them bc of all the reports of negative side-effects as all diet pills have.


I am sorry to sound preachy but like everyone said, not only are diet pills extremely dangerous (you don't know what long-term damage these pills might do to your health) but most, like posters above pointed out, are *NOT* effective at all!


Bottom line: diet Pills probably will NOT help you lose weight long term but definitely WILL mess up your health!


I do understand the lure of these pills but please do reconsider!

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