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Her friends are warning me, What dose that mean?


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Ok so there is this girl I have been interested in for a couple weeks now. She works at a place I frequent daily. I have been trying to determine if she has a boyfriend or not. Last night I was there and she was not working but one of her friends was. I casually ask when she worked next and if she has a boyfriend. Her fiend got a big smile on her face and said no why? I said because I’m going to ask her out.

Instantly the smile dropped off her face! Like I said something wrong. And she said very sharply “she’s a {Mod Edit}” I was totally shocked and I said “what” and she said ya she is a big {Mod Edit} but don’t tell her I told you that.

I was very set aside, I did not know what to say or think. So I said well what do you mean exactly? And she said I’m just warning you she’s High maintenance and she’s just a mean {Mod Edit} I should know I’m her friend. I almost laughed what kind of friend says this about their friend?


I guess my question is why would this girl tell me this about her friend? Is it a jealousy thing? Are girls that cut throat agents each other?


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Maybe she's authentically trying to tell you that this girl is hard to get along with. I know girls like that - that if a guy asked me I would warn them about. I wish someone would've given my brother a heads up before he married the bee-yatch from hell he married and soon found himself divorced from....


I think you ultimately need to make the decision for yourself, because you never know....maybe they're not frineds. Maybe the girl who told you that likes you and is sad that you're not asking her out so she's sabotaging....(sp?)



Who knows? But ask out the girl that you want to ask out and find out for yourself.

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well, you could still ask her out, but consider yourself warned.... you don't know either of these girls, so one or both could have some kind of problem...


the other girl could be telling the truth, or jealous or dislike each other for some reason, don't get along at work? or the girl who warned you could be totally nice, and trying to do you a favor.


so if you still like the girl, go ahead and ask her out, but keep an eye open for any b**** tendencies just in case and don't waste much time if she starts acting badly!

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well, you could still ask her out, but consider yourself warned.... you don't know either of these girls, so one or both could have some kind of problem...


the other girl could be telling the truth, or jealous or dislike each other for some reason, don't get along at work? or the girl who warned you could be totally nice, and trying to do you a favor.


so if you still like the girl, go ahead and ask her out, but keep an eye open for any b**** tendencies just in case and don't waste much time if she starts acting badly!


^^^^^^What she said.

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well, you could still ask her out, but consider yourself warned.... you don't know either of these girls, so one or both could have some kind of problem...


the other girl could be telling the truth, or jealous or dislike each other for some reason, don't get along at work? or the girl who warned you could be totally nice, and trying to do you a favor.


so if you still like the girl, go ahead and ask her out, but keep an eye open for any b**** tendencies just in case and don't waste much time if she starts acting badly!



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You may be being manipulated. Don't ever listen to girls who say mean things about their "friends." Women are ferociously competitive, underhanded, and vicious. They don't think twice about lying to hurt someone else, no matter what's at stake. At least, that's been my experience.

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Who says they're friends? Maybe they're just coworkers.


If they are just coworkers, then maybe she was really trying to prevent you from harm. Maybe she is jealous. I don't know.


I guess the only way to find out is to give the woman in question the benefit of the doubt, for now. Give her a try and see what happens.

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i can count the number of times i have asked someone else's friend a question regarding that person and i truly hate doing that - it has to be really important for me to do that




i had one experience doing that many years ago that was so brutal i will never do that again.


coles notes: i was truly concerned about someone i cared about [just as some have done recently for me] and there was no way to contact the real person because not only did i not know what country they were no living in but the fact that they didn't tell me meant i wasn't to know [still don't - whatever] anyhooooo, so i called a really good friend of this person, someone i believed would know the truth, had always been sweet and nice to me in the past and when i called, she was so nasty, and treated me not only like some low life, but started telling me personal information about myself! and basically spit on me! i was shocked and it was that conversation, that day, when i truly stopped caring.


so, i hope that is a lesson to others - about how humanity is at times

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It may be that shes not interested and is thereforeeee having her friend intercept to throw you off. It may be alot easier than her turning you down herself. But on the other hand...her frieng my just be a .

Anyways you have been given a valuable lesson in 'Getting @ a woman 101': To avoid confusion, never use a middle man. Always go straight to the source.

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