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Making money off the internet.

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Ok, I have a small internet addiction, but I want to make money out of it.

How can you make lots of money on the internet? Has anyone bought into one of those internet money making schemes?


I'm a Realtor and am thinking of creating my own webpage. But, I really dont care how the money is made, I just want to be able to make enough money to support myself, not necessarily to be rich. Can this work on the internet?

Has anyone experience success with this or is it a 'smokes and mirrors' thing?

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Start being realistic, im not going to hold you back if you want to make money. But what im saying is, do you have a product to sell for starters? You know i can hear you thinking 'i want quick, easy money' , that's possible however it would be more realistic to think on the long term. In the end virtual means nothing, realism is everything, you need something concrete something realistic to back up what you are representing on the internet, mind you the internet hype bubble bursted a few years ago and many losses have been made, although you should always give yourself a chance, it should be said that most aren't too willing to go into another internet adventure.

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The internet is a big place...millions of sites and billions of pages. I have heard the most difficult thing is generating traffic to your site. In taht way it is not much different that a bricks and mortar site.


As another poster said, you need something to sell, you need to spend money setting you site up, you need to spend money generating traffic and you need to develop a way to receive revenue.


It is not easy but if you have the right idea you can make money from the internet as many have proved.

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It can work yes, but that would depend on what you will be doing.

If you will want to start selling online I will not be able to tell you much about it, it’s a separate completely different world than what I have been in involved with. But if you have a content site in mind then probably it is just a matter of little patience, some free time and some skills to create content. Content management systems, blogs are too advanced these days so you will not need to learn programming or anything.


Many people publish blogs, small sites about their favorite topics and make some income too mostly from ads placed on their blogs. If you have absolutely no idea about how to make a site and do not want to invest anything so others set it up for you then probably you should start with 1. Singing up for a free blog, 2. Start to write about your favorite subject. After you have some content maybe applying for google adsense. If you manage to create a quality content people will come and adsense will take care for the rest.


You can learn more about adsense here link removed and maybe googling for adsense forums and tutorials.


And you can get a free blog here link removed


Edit: I think my post came out a little too optimistic, I want to emphasize that you will need some serous patience and should not expect that you will put up 10 articles/reviews/blog entries … and start making money in no time.

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Thanks for this tip Kamuri,


To reiterate, this should be seen as a long-term project where you are writing some sort of blog, obviously of a nature that would attract lots of people everywhere to read it, and then try to get advertising dollars from all the publicity.


However, we all know, that you have to get traffic, and the biggest catch on internet business is getting sufficient traffic of people to see your website so they can either buy your product, or read your content, and how would you be able to do that in these blog? Have you tried out this idea yourself or know someone who is successful on it? What is the income potential out of that idea?

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Luke, I don't want to sound like I am trying to crap on your idea but these are some things I think you need to think about,


There are millions and millions of blogs on the net. The vast majority no one reads. Maybe 0.0001% attract enough traffic to make money.


A successful blog, one that is of interest to a mass audience needs to be authentic and display passion and conviction.


If your starting point is "How do I make money out of a blog site?" then it is very unlikely you will be able to write anything that will be of interest to anyone.


Get your idea first. Make it something you have a passion for.


Start your site and start telling people about it. Keep it going for a year or two. When your traffic hits reasonable levels, start to think about some revenue ideas.

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Hi Luke Skywalker, in my experience not all websites need to advertise to start attracting traffic. That is the case if you started an ecommerce site and tried to sell a line of product that is available through 10.000 other websites. Without proper, unique presentation it is very hard to attract traffic on that type of model. Even then with smarty pay per performance campaign through adwords, yahoo, commission junction you can reach to good ROI levels and benefit.


I have no experience at all with blogs, there are few blogs that I watch and have been doing it since they came online to understand better the blog world, but I have never run a blog. In total I worked directly on 4 websites; the first one was about a very narrow subject area, one you think no one is interested, very few can understand, read the language even used for its library. But it was successful, because those interested found the website and supported. This was not a commercial project, no ads, no profits. Then comes enotalone, it took e only 3 years to reach 65.000-70.000 visitors a day, not even a single dollar invested in advertising. Last one is a complicated but a beautiful project, that is not live, and probably will not be for another year or so when I will have a final plan and time to work on it. it has only few test pages on it and somehow attracts 50+ people everyone day. I did not advertise it, did not submit it and want no traffic there, but the traffic found it.


A good blog example is Stefan Shepher’s childrens music blog at link removed

A unique idea and a very popular blog. He knows what he writes about, was interviewed by many big names in the media and as the music industry pays more and more attention to children’s music his blog gets busier I imagine.

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Ok, I have a small internet addiction, but I want to make money out of it.

How can you make lots of money on the internet? Has anyone bought into one of those internet money making schemes?


I'm a Realtor and am thinking of creating my own webpage. But, I really dont care how the money is made, I just want to be able to make enough money to support myself, not necessarily to be rich. Can this work on the internet?

Has anyone experience success with this or is it a 'smokes and mirrors' thing?


The commercial real estate investment software company I started does most of it's sales over the Internet all over the USA and English speaking world. However, it took 7 years before the company started to succeed and make money. There was nothing fast or easy about it. We've now been enjoying success for 4 years. So that's an 11 year adventure.


Also, you have to have some product to sell that people want. Making that product was 3 YEARS OF WORK for me and another 4 years starting and building the company into a success. Think about this. I worked on it for 7 years before it started making money. Before that it was a financial drain and a time drain on me. It's still a time drain, but at least now I'm paid for my time. Would you be willing to work at something for 7 years without getting paid, and in fact having to pay money into it?


So yes it is possible because I've done it and finally succeeded during the last 4 years. However, it was not easy. If you want it easier, go get a job somewhere and just punch the clock because that would be far less difficult than working your butt off for years starting a company.


I don't intend to sound harsh. I'm just being realistic. There is no free lunch. You would have to work your butt off to succeed, and you might fail even after working your butt off. The vast majority of companies fail.

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