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I'm an utter failure


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I think I may look one year younger, and I act kinda naive sometimes, until you get me into some sort of discussion (about politics or something), then you'll probably be intimidated and slink away.


I'm in university, so they won't assume I'm young. Most people are 18+, and I think I look my age now. dunno, mixed reactions, some think I'm one year younger, others think I look just my age. I guess I have the 'cutesy' look or something. I have dyed reddish hair and wear lots of black and red, so I think that kinda kills the cute look a bit (I dont like it, I want to look at least a tiny bit intimidating, but my height and physical appearance totally fail me)


I just need to get out more. That's my biggest problem. Oh and my shyness. Yeah I'm a bit shy, unless you get into a conversation regarding some obscure concepts or something radical I'm into and then the barriers come down. It's perfectly reasonable for me to hide myself, because I have some serious incompatable beliefs with the average human.


that's why I felt so broken up about the guy, I finally found someone I can have a fulfilling discussion with, without feeling I'd offend him or scare him off. Well, something has scared him off now anyways.

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Perhaps you should accentuate your cute look, if you can do so without looking younger because of it. Many guys are attracted to cute. Heck they might not even care if it did make you look younger. I suggest increasing your cute factor, instead of reducing it like you say you now are.


Personally, I think there's 3 kinds of good looking in women. Cute, pretty, and sexy. The women who are all 3 are to die for. However, 1 out of 3 is good enough to get it done. This based on my own eyesight and experiences.


For a man's looks I think there's cute, handsome, and sexy types of looks. A guy who has all 3 has it made, but 1 of 3 is good enough to attract women (assuming a decent or better personality). This based on talking with my women friends.


Accentuate what you've got and make it work for you, along with your personality.

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Well then, accentuating your cute look would help balance your morbid and sarcastic sides, IMO.


I like pretty and sexy too, but I confess that cute is my personal favorite in a woman if I have to choose only one of the three. I could put up with some sarcasm, maybe even enjoy it in moderation, if she's cute. It's kind of like that Mary Poppins song, "Just a spoon full of sugar makes the vinegar go down, in the most delightful way."

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You can't win like this, sugar.


Because if you now attract someone, you will now feel "well, it doesn't count anyway, because it was only since I started putting on makeup".


Drop the makeup - because you don't like it anyway, its a bad way to go.


I'm very much a feminist in worldview. Not in an aggressive, man-hating way. Just in a "I hate many modern dynamics way".


I always resisted makeup. I like wearing the same clothes 4 days running (well, I change my underwear. I keep good hygiene standards).


I decided I'd never resort to making a silly effort on my appearance to attract people. Even in my very depressed days, I believed/still believed that people want something kind, original, assertive, intelligent, funny, with so much conviction it bursts from their souls - which has NOTHING to do with looks, and all to do with what you think about you, how full your life is, how you interact with other people.


My "credentials" to back this up would include at least


6 serious/sincere declarations of love in a relationship context in past 2 years


15+ relationships/outcome of attraction in past 2 years.


So trust me.

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I'm 18 and I still have teenage acne..it kinda sucks.


sometimes it gets bad, so that's when I feel most inclined to put on coverup.


of course the dilemma is that coverup can make it worse.


okay, no makeup.


I don't know, maybe it is my personality. I saw weird things.

I don't say it's pouring down, I say it's pissing down. (rainfall).

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Morbid funny? I so get what you're saying. There are more people with that kind of sense of humor than you think. Sarcasm is a defense mechanism a lot of people (including myself) use to hide their true feelings about things. As for randomness, you really can't help that. Weird stuff just comes out of your mouth or your body impulsively makes you do stuff. I don't know about you, but a lot of times I get the urge to just dance. Weird huh? Anywhoooo... Don't give up. Loneliness is a constant part of life, and never really goes away completely. I know it sounds depressing, but no matter how many people you date, or how deeply you fall in love, there will always be a part of your mind thats just you and no one else can reach that or be a part of it. That being said, I could spew a bunch of cliches like "Just stop looking, love will find you" or "It all works out the way its meant to", But I don't believe in fate, so you gotta do stuff yourself. How about trying to ask guys out? Most guys would be extremely flattered that a girl found him attractive enough to take the initiative. Good Luck!

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